Seattle Greg Interview

The legendary Seattle Greg at 70 years young gives the history on Northern Lites aka Northern Lights. Hope y’all are enjoying your Saturday! Stay safe at let me know what you all think.


This is rad, never heard of this podcast, gonna have to give it a listen, thanks for sharing


No problem brother :sunglasses: it’s really good love some northern lites/lights.


Hoping to have the time and space here soon to do some NL1 work from some seed stock that I have.


My first indoor grow was NL, it was a nice smoke.


Yeah breeders syndicate is the bees knees

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I’m gonna get some NL1 pretty soon as soon as them taxes hit gonna get 3 packs and look for a keeper or two. :pray:t2::sunglasses::fire::+1:t2:

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I think most people who have been growing forever have either grown NL1, 5 etc. at some point, I’ve met like 14/15 people who all said it was their first grow ironically as well. A tried and true staple in the cannabis industry, I’ve heard of this but never heard it, thank you my friend :pray:t2:


I’ve been half jokingly telling people for a long time that most of there favorite mystery elites are probably various northern lights lines or there offspring. Nl5/haze for example is in a lot of things and some elite cuts like Cuban black haze are rumored to be old nl5/haze cuts. Og kush has northern lights in it etc etc
Another group of plants that went into many many things that gets very little mention is the stuff from gas and coot, what became blue orca and the one. That Kandahar Thai cross was used by and renamed by many people , master thai Tahoe og is one thing that comes to mind that has the Kandahar Thai cross in it…