Kasi new landrace sativa from RSC

OK I’m a strainaholic…just ordered twelve seeds of this strain on Kwikseeds site. Someday I will run them…I’m sure Angus will send extra urkhul and afghan freebies too.



I ordered some Taskurgan from them and vegged but never flowered. Angus sent some free Parvati seeds with them but the flowering times are 22 weeks or something crazy long. I hope you find some good stuff in that Laos. I remember Nevil writing that he thought Laos still probably had some uncontaminated and traditional locally worked landraces. Would love to have the time, space and facilities to grow those out.
I also tried to listen to Adam Dunn try to interview Angus but that was a shit show. He’s not the right person to interview some one like Angus who has a very knowledgeable, boots on the ground perspective. You could hear that Angus thought he was a bit of a moron in his answers. I remember Angus writing afterwards that the format of Adam Dunn’s questions were more assertions than questions and he couldn’t properly answer them anyway because it would have seemed like he was contradicting everything that Dunn said.


Wow…I.woul da have thought the taskurgan would be fine, but I didn’t get any of that
I.did get some Mazarsharif+Taskurgan cross though for cheap…I thought they would be cool f1s

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I’m sure they would have been but they didn’t show sex in the allotted amount of veg time in a muti-variety grow so they had to be culled. The only thing I could say is that they had huge fan leaves with very long petioles and they seemed like they would need a considerable amount of space width wise. So in the end my little experiment didn’t pay off unfortunately. A Mazarsharif/Tashkurgan cross sounds promising though. You’d think you might find some interesting F1 vigour.

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Oooh. “Equal to or better than the … Mango Thai.” :hushed:


I missed out in the Mango Thai…so that sentence sealed the deal

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Check out the Growroom420 podcast featuring Angus from RSC. It’s 5 hours, 2 parts.


Nice one dude. Always looking for podder to listen to whilst working in the gardens. Sprinkling some respec’ on yo name. :smiley:


Much appreciated. The show called ‘The Pot Cast’ hosted by Heavy Daze is a very good one with excellent interviews. Lots of inside baseball and such. ‘Growing With Fishes" is another good show. One of the most recent episodes was mad arcane, the type that you have to rewind 3-4 times, as in "How’ up, let me write that down’.


I wonder what Great Dane is like?


It’s a little like Labrador. :rofl:


Yeah. The growing with fishes dude is one of those super nerds with lots of accrued wisdom. Reminds me of the kids at school who persevered with very early computers that no other kid could be bothered to do and now they own google or whatever. I keep meaning to make a feed from nettles after hearing him saying that that’s a good natural source of silicon but never get round to it.

The pot cast is great. Perfect background listening for when you;'re tending plants, planting seed, potting up etc.

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Definitely going to pick up a few packs of Kasi, Afghan mix, Balkhi, and Ukhrul…

Some amazing genetics for future breeding projects!


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GWF #266 with Dr. Robert Faust and Clackamas Coot is a good one. The good doctor drops Lord of the Rings level gems. The Adam Dunn Show is tolerable, Adam is getting better at letting the guests speak more. The episode before the Psychedelic episode had some detailed instructions on how to make shroom goo. That show isn’t for everybody, but there are some real gems dropped in there.
The Angus from RSC interview link that I posted has an interesting critique of that new Chinese white paper on the origin of cannabis. Apparently, there’s some political tampering.

All in all, there’s ton’s of good convo on podcasts to keep me inspired, inquisitive and adventurous. Enjoy!


Going back to that interview with Angus… There’s a very cool mention of how Mongolians smoked ganja to “steady the hand” for more accurate archery shots. Now, THAT’S fucking dope. :sunglasses:

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If you order.the others they will send free seeds.of Afghan mix and urkhul



It’s buy one get one of the Kasi…

The freebies just happen to be two of the other strains I wanted…

Kasi Two packs + two free = 48
Afghan Mix two packs + 6 free = 30
Ukhrul one pack + 12 free = 24

Can’t wait for them to arrive!!

I just popped mmy Lebanese and he sent six for the price of five…and all six are above soil…I had some previous ace leabese that.I’m crossing with land race team leb
This will be another strain…
Then I have some.from.an overgrower named Royal I’m gonna pop.next

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Lol… Squinting in the sun, Gengis Khan re-lit his spliff as he surveyed the village he was about to pillage…

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