Sebring’s Forum Stomper F2 Auto fems

I have 3 of Sebring’s Forum Stomper F2 auto fems. I’m going self one plant and let the pollen
hit all three. My question is, will these seeds become F3’s or something else? Thanks LZ :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, technically that would be Filial generation 3 (F3)


And that offspring should be 75% auto genetics?


Forum stomper is a stable auto, so the F3’s (and S1’s from the self) will all be feminized and autoflowering :+1:


100% autos. Auto x auto is auto.


I’m pretty sure it was up to F4 from Mephisto. Whoever made those and sent to Sebring created F5. If you make seeds, you’ll be on to F6.

Edit again: I see that the label on those on Sebring’s site says F2. I think that is incorrect if those were made from seeds that originally came from Mephisto.


What? dude all auto if all the parents are auto. Auto is recessive.


I realize that now, not sure where my head was. Thinking a photo and auto cross probably…

Reiko straightened me out, but thanks for pointing out my stupidity.


I’d start the one you’re reversing aboot three weeks before the other two, then hit those with the reversed pollen. I’ve tried the reverse and pollenate the reversed plant but have run into timeline issues and immature seed. Just my experience but good luck with what you do!!


I just ran a few of the Forum Stomper F2s, and they were awesome! Good luck on your project. :+1:t3:


IMO I think you would label it as follows:

There is only one true S1 here. The plant that you will clone and reverse and then put pollen on it’s original self is the S1 (Self generation 1).

The pollen from that donor plant that you put on the sisters should be labeled as R1’s (Reversal generation 1). Since you will be adding pollen from “plant A” to two different plants (plant B and plant C) and creating two genetically different lines they will still be the first reversal generation but now you have an A line and a B line or however you want to name it but it should be noted that it’s the first generation using pollen from a reversed plant and that they are both different.

I could be wrong but that’s how I would name them.


Great choice for doing an adage. Awesome auto strain imo

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this person is totally correct.

s1 rarely apply to autos in a commercial scale. no cloning, therefore you cant self a plant to get multi thousands of seeds to sell.
and the term “F2” sometime means “reproduction” to keep genetics, regardless of what F generation the seeds are.
Mephisto seeds are mainly feminized so buyers cant F+ them unless they have the male seeds. they can only R(reversal)F+
thats why this person is totally correct :rofl::joy:


Alittle up date :slightly_smiling_face: I had received some seeds from my good friend @BarefootAndBlazed among them were these 3 Forum Stompers. My plan was to sacrifice one plant to seed the other two. Then I had opportunity to acquire a few more thru a trade with a member here in the USA, however this sister got stiffed on them {shame on you, but may God bless you} I really wanted them too because I was going now sacrifice two plants. I wanted to experiment with CS this time. One STS and one CS. Then pollenate four plants to give me enough seeds to repay the many folks who have helped me this far. I had to put this idea on hold. Well another wonderful member @misterbee didn’t like what happen and sent me a pack. Thank you kind sir! :slightly_smiling_face: I will be starting the two next week and documenting it in my grow diary. :peace_symbol:


Super glad you got 'em!!! You’ve been nothing but a “Beacon of Kindness”, so WGACA, and you deserve it. Continue your journey, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: