Second Summer in the Yard

That haze looks she’s gonna be a monster!
Huckleberry has got some fat leaves. Nice!


Good eye, 420! Those two (and a small but vibrant Heri in the garage) are my favorites. I’ve already topped the OHuck twice and the AH once.

I was hoping the Afghan Haze would be a he. Wanted to breed her with the others. Could CS, made a jug last year, but her clones are taking their time rooting.

I have a good Mother’s Milk male. Don’t know what he brings to the breeder table. So far I have only noted two “unique” traits in Mamilk. Poorly defined lower leaves and secondary growth that shoots straight up with few nodes.

Intentional breeding hope now is that one of the four Deep Chunk will bring boy joy. They are being grown for that purpose and for increase. What amazing little plants.

Going into the flower tent this weekend assuming the Heri clones root.


Oh, also this.

Knowing Jungle Spice, this will be a bush in three weeks.

Edit 4/13: didn’t like being outdoors. May downpot again but she needs to catch her breath. I love her shape but I already have two indoor JS Mamas.


You’ll prob get quite a bit of stretch during flowering.

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Nice selection of some happy looking plants :+1:

Thank you.

All were started from seed in trays or plugs and up-potted repetedly. You can see some of the progression in this thread.

The Heri is in a pot that expresses my aspirations and its potential. When I decided to move it out I put it in what will be its final pot. The others will get up-potted before the transition. The OHuck, if it keeps going the way it has been, will go in the ground.

Ultimately, four will be in pots and four in raised beds. Or something like that.


Girls getting some exercise.



Makes me nauseated to watch that. It helps to think of them as a punk band.


Well thanks for sharing, lol :wink:

Seriously though, they look good :smile:


The Heri in the big pot’s first clone of four finally rooted. The first set failed to. Male, it turned out. The other three won’t be far behind.
First priority is increase. I have a sex pair. 2nd and 3rd priorities are breading with Afghan Haze and Deep Chunk. I have a female Deep Chunk (the other three are still undeclared) so I can hit it with Heri pollen. Gonna be a line for her too and only one clone so far.

Not sure I could pick AH out of a line-up. The Heri is fairly distinct. Her early buds look delicious!

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Light Dep. Nice and easy.


God save the Queen! punk|nullxnull :uk:, hope you give them enough sylicate … frech|nullxnull


Good thinking. Hope it’s not too late.

Oregon Huckleberry
On the left, my enthusiastic girl. She took a windy beating for my (and your, sorry to make you complicit) benefit. I had hopes of her hugeness, but she seems to be done with the “bigger” part of her journey. Budding and coloring up beautifully.

I have the clone on the right who was repotted from a cup a couple weeks ago. I intended her for the big pot (center) but she took the opportunity to bud. I am becomming impatient.

Contemplating beheading her, excising all the dry little budlets, repotting full speed ahead and letting her naturally reveg and bloom.

Anyone have thoughts or wisdom on the “correct” sequence?


Deed is done. Big repot, top, prune. Let’s see that reveg action.

13 days later (6.11). OHuck is on the job.



White Rhino

Oregon Huckleberry


Deep Chunk
Girl in the middle making mixed seeds with these two males. F12+.


Oregon Huckleberry
I’m told the top four colas are done.

What say you?


Looks done to me! :+1: :sunglasses:



Thank you, @Gpaw! Her tops have been chopped. She still looks good.

Hoping to take the Heri in one piece, probably one day next week after this lovely burst of sun. White Rhino will probably go piecemeal. Mother’s Milk is at least a couple weeks behind.

Seeing more aphids than I want to see. Mom and a few little ones on a leaf under a microscope. Couple on some leaves and dirt from girls in the clone/seedling space. There was an ant invasion this weekend. Maybe the ants brought them. Or possibly came from one of the Dads. The dads living circumstances are not optimal.