Secret Gardens (1988)

:joy: :joy::joy:…plz everybody as the title says watch this on YouTube! Absolute classic!! It’s a fifth estate show from 1988 indoor growers. I won’t spoil what’s made me cry laughing for 5 minutes straight. Fwiw the 11 minute mark is hilarious. Plz leave comments


:rofl: wow that will take you back. Cool disguise, lol. I remember seeing that years ago and the 3k a lb days. Havnt seen a Sensimilla Tips mag in forever.

Down in a basement in Vancouver.

the part that pisses me off watching that is all those cops tearing down the plants and jailing the growers prob all smoke pot on their off time or weekends.


So now we know the true origin of girl scout cookies! :laughing:

That video was so much fun. True experts there!

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When I was underage one of the only bars that would serve me was also the go to bar for the local police station. Didn’t see them smoke weed but saw them do a lot of coke off the table.


yep sounds about right also just before they went home to beat their wives. lol

Man it was hard to watch those plants get cut. Alot of those grows were very far into flower. You Canadians
are very creative, those grows were sweet in the basements. How were they avoiding budrot in a basement? Here in the great USA on those days you’d be looking at half your life taken away. Ronald years… Kinda cool how they only got fines and or couple months jail.

To clarify I was laughing at the cops growing plants not the growers getting busted!. Tbh I was blazed when it I watched it. That one RCMP was a smart dude though. I grew up in the 80s so it was a cool find to me. Those hydro setups looked kinda cool too within big ass hps and mh lights. Man that brought back memories, I recently switched to led bc of the insane heat those babies put off, quality went down just a little however.


And here I thought wed be talking young Mary Lennox and her mean Uncle and hidden cousin.



Yes that’s the one. The fifth estate has alot if great programs. Never heard of it until recently. Sorry I’m a caveman with phones, and don’t even know how to provide a link…my bad guys.




So here we have our own indoor grow to STUDY this 22%THC phenomena


thanks for the laugh @nick131740



was a good watch brought back alot of memories. as soon as i heard the humming of the lights i felt at home. i lived in bc during those times and thruought the 90s and was involved in many of those set ups as a helper.