Seed germination questions

It sort of looks like it’s trying to get the root out of that waterlogged cube…
When you pull the sprout out of there to reset it, you might want to shake the water from the cube.
I’ve read that you don’t want squeeze the rockwool,
just shake it until no more water seems to be flying out of it.


And, now she looks like this…


That looks much better :slight_smile:
Off to the races…


Update: As long as I had some time I popped a few more beans straight into some coco on the 24th. They all just started to pop this morning. Another of the ones I started on the sixteenth popped on the 27th but is having a hard time popping off the shell. I’ve triied to help it off but it pulls on the seedling too hard.



My other project, six weeks into flower:


Spray some ro or distilled water on the helmet, should help shed it.


if the beans are old soaking them appears to help

all the best



Flowering plants look great! Your seedlings need some love though I see a few of them are quite leggy you might want to think about making a support with a twist tie with a hoop at the top just to hold the weight. Wouldnt hurt to up pot that one super leggy one and bury it right up to its neck as it looks to be a vigorous one.

As for your helmet head like @Meesh mentioned just moisten it with a few drops of water, count to 10, then gently fiddle with it. If that doesnt work, wet it again then repeat. If it doesnt come after that wet it again but leave it for a while and keep trying. It will come off eventually but usually not without intervention.


What a difference a week makes. Getting ready to move most of these to the tent and get them into some gallon containers to let their roots stretch. All three of the beans I started in soil are coming along nicely. I think that’s my new preferred method. No more messing with paper towels.

Photo from Thursday morning.


BTW @TrevorLahey, that one on the bottom row, 2nd from left is the leggy one. Tied her up and now she’s got a stalk bigger than the stick she’s tied up to. Gonna transplant her tomorrow.


Doing great, Bro! You got a heavy watering hand though. I know cuz I myself am a member of Overwaterers Anonymous. I’m in recovery. You can probably water those half as often as you are. :wink:


Seedlings are in the 2 x 2 now vegging. Also have 5 clones from the girls I just harvested today. Two of my plants really dried out due to the severely low humidity I’ve had due to the cold dry spell we are in. The Black X Champagne really did good, Imho. Here are a few pics. More to come later.