Gardenier's Grow Thread

Hi! Mostly lurk and research around here, but this will be my first grow log. Setting up my 2x4x5 Vivosun tent to get things started. I last grew about 7 years ago, and at that time I grew both indoors in a 3x3 tent running a 400MH sprout to finish. I also grew outdoors using supersoils and compost teas.

Its looking like it’s almost full, but quite a few of the cuts in there are actually males (planning on collecting pollen). 4 Sprouts are bagseed, and just 1 is a seed I purchased is an autoflower (first auto grow ever).

Purple Queen auto by Royal Queen Seeds at 2 weeks from sprout.

Some bagseed from some unknown strain. The person who gifted me the seeds said the buds were very “juicy” when bragging about the finished flower. So I dubbed them “the juice” or JS for short.

The following are 2 Acapulco Gold males taken from the same father plant who was sprouted outside. Alas I didn’t want to ruin anyones outdoor grow so he was culled, but not before I took two cuttings for pollen. They’re the two closet to the vent patch of the tent.

There was a cutting floating around SoCal around 2010/2011, which was a a cross between a blue dream mother and strawberry cough father. I was able to get a hold of one and pollinate her with some pollen off a strawberry cough male (stabilizing of sorts?).
Chucked the pollen late so there werent many seeds, maybe 12ish tops. Those were saved in a small nug jar in a box for YEARS in an uncontrolled environment :sweat_smile: Out of the 9 seeds I had left only 1 popped and didn’t die, but it wasn’t a she :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I decided to keep some cuttings to collect pollen from it in attempts to recreate the original strain. I have a fem blue dream seed waiting to go!

I got inspired by the “Cheap LED” thread and assembled a build from some EB Gen2s in a mix of 3000 & 3500k.

All are in Coco Loco being fed Megacrop 1 part at .4 EC currently. I’ve got some organizing and setup still to do, but I had to start somewhere. I hope I can make this as entertaining and helpful as some of the threads here!


Stealing street signs eh? :joy:

Everything looks nice and green and happy. Well done and all the best.


I found that tossed on my front yard one morning when taking out the trash. I took it as a…SIGN (eh eh, get it :rofl:)


Nice craftsmanship on the LED! Looking forward to seeing everything in bloom.


Good luck with your grow


Thank you! I’m looking forward to bloom also. It’s been too long lol


Quick question for y’all…browsing OfferUp I came across a used GH 6" duct fan for $20. It looks serviceable, but I also came across a 6" Can Fan Pro (the black and yellow one) for $100. I could send a lower offer to see if they bite, but otherwise what would you go with?

Got a pic? Could be many things.

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Here’s the $20 fan…

And the $100 fan…


It’s hard to say. My 4” exhaust is very similar to the green one. I’ve had it for years and it’s pretty bulletproof. Who knows how many miles this one has on it.

$100 used seems steep. If I were in the market I’d probably spring for a tiny bit more $ and get one of these.

(I don’t work for them.)

All the best.


Current temp and humidity reading in the tent. Having a difficult time getting the humidity levels any higher.

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That’s not bad…
Mist them down every time you look at them… They will love it! :sunglasses: :+1:


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@Gpaw, should I just spray with some plain water or a little watered down kelp?

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I just use plain water but no reason in principle why you couldn’t add some foliar feeding type stuff.
Misting the plant drops leaf temps and gives the stomata a chance to open and breath.

Timing, do this at ‘lights on’ etc. stop 2 hours before ‘light off’


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Started with LST on the Purple Queen Auto. She’s 3 weeks old.

The Juice bagseed are moving along nicely. Mini jungle.

Annnnnnd here are the dudes. The small (Strawberry Cough x Bluedream) males are hurting since I just threw them in some unfinished vermicompost with some old potting soil. You can probably see some cardboard in the mix :sweat_smile:

They’re getting a little too sexual and exposing themselves to my young purple queen…they’ll be out of the tent and in a clear tote by tonight.

Overall I’m happy at how things are moving along. Exhaust fan is on the way, but temps have been 83 degrees at the highest. I’ve never grown in Coco Loco(not straight coco) before but I’m digging it as a grow medium so far. I sprouted a wild hair this week and now I’m thinking of selfing the auto so I can have some seed stock of it, but I’m on the fence about that. Decisions decisions.

Been smoking on some Blue HashPlant I picked up from a dispensary and now I’m on the hunt for a cutting of it or some seeds…this hobby is addicting!

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Oh yeah…I started building an aero cloner


Been a while. Photo dump incoming.

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IMG_8853-3 IMG_8857 IMG_8856 IMG_8855 IMG_8854


Some of the images may be out of order, but the flowering plant is the Purple Queen Auto.

IMG_8919 IMG_8924 IMG_8923 IMG_8922 IMG_8921 IMG_8920 IMG_8997


IMG_8998 IMG_9026 IMG_9025 IMG_9024 IMG_9002 IMG_9001 IMG_8999

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