Seeded or seed-less?

So I have to ask everyone…

Am I the only person here that likes how seeded weed smokes better than seedless? I know, you have to pick out seeds and be careful grinding it… but I like the stone from it better.


I’ve noticed that too. I do prefer a plant that has at least some seeded branches. Seems to help out the whole plant. But that’s just my opinion.


I prefer seedless, because of accidental seeds in a joint. If it’s well cleaned out, I highly doubt that I’d be able to tell.
Something to look in to

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I think seeded weed has to spend all it’s energy putting all the traits in the buds/flower, Because of the seeds growing, all the potency reside in the flower. All the people I gift “seeded weed” to, comment about the “high”. Then again, I could be 100% wrong!!! Anyway, I agree wholeheartedly. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: :crazy_face:


The plant exhausts its energy into producing beans.
Seeded bud is inferior to unseeded in every way


I gotta agree with that. I’ve grown out plants from the same mother and seeded one up then later found both potency and yield took a big hit. Still good smoke but it’s like drinking near beer compared to regular beer. Need a lot more to get the same buzz.

No noticeable hit when just dusting a branch on a plant that I can tell tho.



OK what about seeding a lower branch? Does the rest of the plant produce as it normally would?

I do just that each and every time, I mean each and every time.
I can get over a thousand beans just by doing my very two lowest branches.
It might mess with potency a tiny bit but I don’t really know.
Seeded bud even tastes different.


Pretty tough to get rid of the seed husks I believe that’s the taste that comes through.


Subcool commented in some podcast that the cannabanoid profile of seeded budz are different from sensi. He speculated that that was partly responsible for the fond memories people have of old imported landraces.