The Speakeasy

You can come here and talk with me. One rule. No tagging. It will make it more fun. You can tag if you want to I don’t care.

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I have noticed there is a topic problem sometimes I’ve noticed. So I felt like I just start this. Every day we can start a new topic about seeds and growing. If you want to throw a few punches in about beer and food dogs and girls and if you call your partner a partner that’s fine with me no hater. No politics or jabs at politics.

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image I’m looking forward to this grow. I did notice some ghost lighting last night. Got the problem taken care of.

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Got some new rooms started. Having issues with humility and dehydration. So those are my morning thoughts.


Support OG. I got to get the piggy bank out. I know money‘s tight I spent some yesterday I wasn’t looking forward to. Time for me to make my donation for this month. Please help out if you can I enjoy coming here

I think if you just drink some water, perhaps with electrolytes, you’ll feel more like yourself and maybe not feel so arrogant and prideful.

:no_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:

Bwahahaha…I know, I know - you meant humidity, but I just couldn’t resist.


I was waiting for that it is hot.

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I love the name. So cool

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lol…thanks - I’ve had it since 2001 when I signed up with the original overgrow.

Is there a reason you have this in the “Security & Legal” forum? If not, I can just move it to the general “Smoker’s Lounge”, where it appears to belong.

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I love fruity strains. I’m smoking some grapes right now.


I’m new at this stuff if that’s where it needs to be moved to I’m fine with that

I didn’t want it to get too carried away if I need to I can tag people along

Which ones see this

Anyone can see it, but if you’re not discussing security or legal issues, this is not the correct forum. No worries…it will feel the same on your end!

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Purple-N-Hairy thanks my friend


Concensus popping seeds vs buying clones to get the dankest dank? i find it really hard to believe some rando cloners “selection” of X strain msans we should stop popping seeds. im not stopping popping.

plus i see this description on all the elite cuts, “euphoric, uplifting”. but not pure sativa. so what they mean is inbred and weak :stuck_out_tongue:


You can pop seeds and find something just as good as an elite cut; you might have to look for awhile depends on genetics. Buying an elite, confirmed cut saves you that search.


Hybrids are not going to be weak and inbreeding can make lines stronger

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I like getting dependable Clones. They are easy. Seeds are fun. There is a trade-off. Once you get what you need the rest is just fun. Do you understand what I mean?


ive been smoking for about 2 decades. a lot of the sensimillia ive seen in the last 5 years or so has a definitive and low ceiling.

something happened. and i think its because purple punch crosses and the like. i remember it used to be well known PP had bag appeal but no potency. im looking at you slurricane et al…

I remember mexican brick weed that had no ceiling and looked like trash compared to PP.

You can inbreed dankness, thats true. Thats the future. stable, line bred dankness. People are not doing that though because thats not what sells (hype sells)

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