What's everyone's opinion on seeds found in dispensary bud?

I’ve been acquiring quite the collection of seeds since my state legalized for medical, and I got my card. One company in particular has pretty decent weed, but I’ve been finding seeds in most of the strains they have available. I’m building up a good collection, but I don’t want to be propagating hermie genetics, and I don’t have the space to waste on plants that turn hermie after vegging for 6-8 weeks either. What’s everyone’s take on seeds found in dispensary bud? Grow em’ or throw em’?


I would treat it the same way you treat bag seeds. It could be pollinated from a random male from kilometers away and turn out to be great and solid. Or it could be hermie AF and be a total loss :smiley:


Speaking from my experience I’d say use them if you have nothing else & give them to a beginner or a friend or even a random person, e.g. your next waiter. :wink: But my purchased BOG seeds outperformed my random seeds from dispensary bud & home collected S1s, also were more uniform.

As far as growing results, expect good AND bad, be ruthless in getting rid of sub-par or bad hermies.




theyre like scratch off lottery tickets
you might hit big, but probably not
i wouldnt bother with them personally, especially if space is a concern


Yeah I figured it’d be a toss up. Just sucks cause I’m getting all kinds of strains like island sweet skunk, durban poison, and gg#4. The gorrila glue is fire, but I did spot a little nanner on the dried nug.


Gg#4 has herm tendency.

I throw them in a tube or bag with a label… u might be down and out someday, I think it would be nice to have a backup plan.


Already labeled and in the fridge. :+1:


I would think a dispensary would offer discounts on seeded weed! I mean shit wouldn’t the hand trimmers know right away… I guess a lot of bud now days probably gets tossed in an auto trimmer and not even inspected for quality, hopefully ya didn’t pay top dollar for seeded bud are my thoughts.


My state is brand new to the game. It’s this one company in particular. You could definitely tell where the trimmers popped the seeds out of the bracts. I guess they just got tired after awhile and said screw it lol! The bud is pretty decent, and after my discount it comes out to $47.75 an 8th, which is friggin highway robbery anyway you look at it!


Ouch is that your price with a medical card or some kind of frequent flyer club member price?


Yeah, they’ll come down on those prices when distributorship increases. Ounces go for less than $100 now in Colorado.

I’ve always had excellent luck with the occasional seed in dispensary bud. If it’s just a stray seed they are more likely made by the female as a survival thing (???) I think I read something like that. Mine have always been female, too. If it’s the survival thing where the plant itself puts out a seed or two, I read that they will always (normally) be female… Don’t take my “memory science” to the bank or anything, lol… I’m just giving my experiences with the stray seed that comes from an otherwise un-pollinated female.

If I got bud that looked as though it had lots of seeds, I would suspect that was a pollination issue and you’d get males as well.

I’ll just go back to smoking my bowl now… :grin:


when prices hit 200/lb retail & blackmarket, then the game will be over. :persevere:



mass produced bud will definitely bottom out price wise, but there will always be a demand for top shelf flower and concentrates. i hate to use booze as an example, but look at dirty 30s vs craft 6 packs. microbreweries arent going out of business any time soon


Absolutely @thenasty1, some peeps want the cheap shit, others want the craft boutique product. (Android vs Apple)


Personally, if I have fire gear and I find a few beans in them Ill pop them out a few at a time just to see whats up.
I always extra scrutinize seed plants im unsure about. Always looking for male/hermie traits and try to catch them as early a.p. if they show.
Could bust a nut all over your other plants, or it may be a killer freak pheno cultivar. I never grew for profit tho, so I could run stuff like that from time to time.


what does that $100 OZ retail for? any idea?
Im in Canada, and its pretty much $10-$14+/gram here. They said they were gonna keep it cheap so they could squash the black market. Yup.

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yes, either female, or female w/ pollen. Thats been my experience with bagseed.

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That is retail.

Now, you’re allowed to buy up to an ounce per dispensary. They also sell it by the gram, 1/8, 1/4,… $5 grams usually at happy hour. They sell cone doobies, wax, shatter, oil, edibles, tinctures, colas, juices, … ha. Lots of competition now. Prices fall.

Wholesale has outpaced demand at least the last year or so… Once the wholesale growers market gets established, things will ease imo. Of course the state may restrict supply, but that would spur more black market. So, once they opt in, it’s hard not to make it cheap and easy to get. That does limit black market. And, it brings more tax dollars. They will want to glut the market. Seems that way here. peace

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I suppose it depends. It’s possible they have decent genetics and more than likely they are gonna be female seeds. If you aren’t picky or want to experiment, I’d grow them out. Why not? Overgrow the world


It’s a 15% medical discount.