Seed purchases - labeling - the buyer experience

i am Canadian were i live we are lower than 5 states north shore of lake Erie we get on average 29 frost free weeks here so yes that makes sense. and just in case a layer of plastic will move you a grow zone south


Just a suggestion if you really want to get her out there:

I just did a search of Coastal Blueberry, and I found two posts (not threads) where two people stated she was one of the best blueberry cultivars they had ever had. However, no grow reports, no smoke reports, just a ton of threads and a few pictures where people either started them and never finished them, or they intended to grow them, but never did. She’s lost in a ton of background noise.

Document the grow from start to finish (including the smoke report) and post it all at one time in one thread. That way when people are seeking her out, they can find a detailed report to base their purchase (or trade) decision on. I wouldn’t even post pictures of the grow until it’s harvested, dried and smoked. People have short attention spans and one of the things I see here are endless pictures that go nowhere. They post pics right up until harvest and the next thing you know, you’re looking at a tray of different strains with no information on the grower’s opinion of the run he/she just completed.

Just my humble opinion.


I wouldn’t be able to do the entire log in one day. My record keeping strategy is to post a grow log. :rofl:


A lot of rational points shared here. Can’t add much more.


Rasterman’s grow log:



How’d you know? :rofl::rofl:


:rofl::fire: lol that’s great!


This is good advice in general for sure.
I gave taken the approach, since 2015 when I finally joined the online community… that I show my gardens, the good the bad and the ugly and usually update my situation every week-ish. The breeders that I respect the most also did similar regular updates but many seem to have migrated to instagram… which is a part of the internet I am not part of. I suppose if I was eagerly chasing sales I could revamp my entire outlook on marketting but I kinda sit on the fence with that. I want people to aquire my seeds because I want people to enjoy the lines I work as much as I do. It;s never about hypes or fads and in the situation with the Coastal Blueberry… I was originally working that line for friends and I too grow here in our climate and short season. Fate just kind of pushed it to the point where I was impressed enough, and my friends growing the Fgens each summer were so impressed it was thier first request each spring when seeds were on the table. Anyhow… I digress.
I’ve been around since 2015 tynehead tom (other sites) and here is the only site I am known as SHSC-1 but I wasn;t a sponsor at other sites. Lots of grow threads though and all my work is out in the open. So fancy packaging aside, I tend to gravitate towards breeders who engage on the forums and show thier work. That is the example I am trying to follow anyways.


I think you do a great job. If I didn’t have such a long list of gear to run, I’d run her myself.

I’m just pointing out the “New strain on the Block” syndrome that new growers seem to chase. I was guilty of it when I was young and inexperienced.

To some degree, we have become social influencers here at overgrow. Albeit unintentional, we all love to post and view pics of great looking flowers. Much like you, having grown for some time I’ve realized that you can have beautiful flowers, and the smoke can be just OK. I think that’s why I get frustrated when a long grow that I’ve followed doesn’t end with the grower’s opinion of the strain. If I’m going to spend my money, I’d like to know what I’m getting. I feel like the focus is on the appearance and not the quality.

Keep up the good work :wink:


I discovered his weed in chucking his pollen on an AK47 ^^ I think we also have all a different grid of the use of platforms. He look like to love dominating males :rofl:

But yeah, without entering in the details of his circles at OG, i’m unable to identify the drives and the actual dynamic. He’s the Shishka man that i will credit each time i use the line … even the codes are complicated today.

It’s only in this post that i discovered the implication in the Coastal Blueberry. Sorry ^^


@LONGTOOTH-You are on the right board, just not yet on the program. Here, if someone buys some of that ridiculously expensive seed we do what is right- make more seeds. Then we give/trade with others here. Brings the cost of the hobby way down and the frustration of not having seeds pop extinguished almost.

Ever wonder about the name of this board?


I don’t buy seeds that often anymore. Two years ago, I probably spent hundreds. I’ve spent $89 plus tax this year and it’s been my practice for some time to make seeds of anything I pop. Sometimes it’s just whatever pollen I have handy, and sometimes it’s selfing the best female.

But since I’ve been on OG, seeds just find their way to me. Many times I don’t have to do anything, seriously. At first , I thought there would be a lot of hunting, but I haven’t experienced that yet. Everything I’ve popped from OG has worked out pretty well. Much of it has been fantastic!

I’d say that for the most part, the percentage of good popped seeds from OG is as good as what I would expect after paying $20+ per seed.


I personally think that most people doesn’t understand Instagram.
At the end of the day its a forum.
But its free, bigger than any other “forum”, international, doesn’t have problematic mods like other forums.

You dont need like 4-5 accounts to follow your favorites breeders, one account is enough.


I really can’t take credit for the Shishkaberry stuff. It was just a simple seed increase for the community and all the shishka lovers out there. There was no breeding work involved, just an increase using the availlable plants. I am glad that people appreciate those seeds though :wink:

what drives me and my breeding work? I think at heart I am a preservationist and when I enjoy a line , there is a desire in me to make more seeds so I can preserve the line. Looking back over the years and all that has been lost. So that is one facet of what drives me.
The second thing that drives me is finding plants that help my disablities so nerve pain mainly and anti inflamation.
The third thing that drives me is my constant desire to find strong and uniquely flavored cannabis and to bring together lines that i feel compliment and amplify flavors and effects.
My “All Killer, No Filler” mantra is the best way to describe that facet of my breeding complusion.
It’s a compulsive disorder sometimes LOL but it’s what I enjoy.


I’m not a seed seller but I agree with you about preservation of funky lines and weird interesting flavours. I like to give shit away but I always hoard myself a large pack of anything I consider exceptional.

And I just made a cross that I think is garbage so it will be fed to the birds. Feels weird to throw away that work but I’m not going to take it to F5 and make selections to improve it. Into the bin it goes.


It’s not just you It’s happened to most. Sounds unprofessional what they packaged but some great breeders make mistakes (not all of them are great seed makers) or are just sadly hype.
You should be able to contact them directly see if they make up for it but cannaventure still has a sale they are top notch and you can buy Jaws reg seeds there too for nothing with the current sale. Good luck

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I might also argue that growing and selling are 2 different skill sets. I can grow and breed. But I couldn’t market and sell worth a damn.

Re: packaging, same deal. I just do coin flips but I have a couple tricks to fancy them up a bit that I don’t often use and to be honest I don’t even like those shiny bags that are so popular.


Keep on growing. Make more seeds. Overgrow the world.


It’s motivations like yours that keep us trying new strains and crosses looking for something better.


I’ve made plenty of those. I always grow out a couple, just to see.