You can tell that I am showing my age when you see paper plates are used to clean seeds.
I eat off them on a daily
Dirty dishes suck ! Thats why I had kids.
Duuuuuude. You know? they have these electric things that do it?.. & since you’re bypassing the meter anyway
I sure as shit dont bypass my meter . Thats a good way to get fucked. Kids do more than dishes yard work snow removal house cleaning.
But really I love my kids there spoiled as hell.
I had a dishwasher that made sandwich’s,and gave BJ’s. It broke down tho, started making sandwiches elsewhere and😭, but that’s ok cause I’ve been testing newer models, so many to test, not enough time
I like using rough paper like watercolor paper it works pretty well.
LMFAO… made my day
Damn I had a dishwasher like that now my child support pays for the new SUV in her driveway
Paper plates are old school??
Dang, I guess I missed the memo.
lots of people say dark heart nursery also spread virus
Shoe box tops used to be the old school standard, lol. And a plastic card like your DL.
If you really wanna get ol’skewl FRISBEES, I wore them out
Frisbees worked so well to de-seed your weed with a little circular motion. The outer rim provided wind protection and kept things from flying off. Then you can head to the park, spark a J with your friends and toss it around. You can even use it as a watering dish for your dog. The ultimate hippie multi-tool!
The Sonic tray was the ultimate rolling tray. Mainly because you couldn’t buy one. You had to steal it from the Sonic. Not that I ever had one myself, but I’ve seen them.
I forgot about the good’ol Sonic tray. Not that I had one either:roll_eyes:
there is bud porn, and now seed porn =) great shots
They were great man. They’d slide right under the couch, just enough lip to catch seeds, perfect.
The last tray I had wasn’t very good at deseeding and cost me a $ had a silk screen that never even seen a seed, but it let those sticky little tricomes fall thru and collect on a mirror that slid out with a big pile of keef on it. My my how times have changed. Frisbees and Sonic trays full of seeds to Keef boxes without seeds.