Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Blue Tara **Closed**

Nothing wrong with sending lots of seeds. Good for pheno hunts and sharing.


You know it! Plus it will save lots of time packaging just to do a 1/8 tsp scoop instead of counting out seeds.

I just always thought trim jail was pretty bad, but I think seed jail could be much much worse.


Awesome to see a successful pollination and all those seeds with so many possibilities.Good work bro.


oh man, I still have 8 seeded plants from last octoberā€™s outdoor harvest hanging in the garage.
with my disability it takes me about 3 days working for 4 hours at a time to shuck one plant, and then a good 2 days for my muscles to recover.

My method is pretty easy and effective though.
I doubt itā€™s much different from everyone elseā€™s shucking techniques, but I rarely see posts about this.

  1. Always wear gloves. The viability of the seeds is impacted by the oils of our hands because the pores on the shell of the seed that would allow the seed to absorb water and germinate become clogged with oil. This goes for any kind of oil, not just skin oils. I once acquired some charas seeds which had been rendered useless because the locals had a custom of covering their hands in mustard seed oil to prevent the valuable resin from sticking to them as they handled the buds. This is the other reason for wearing gloves; the stickiness of the resin will wreck your hands and everything in the world will stick to you like a magnet.
  2. If you are shucking a whole fully seeded plant, itā€™s easiest to work with bone dry buds.
  3. Pull or snip each bud off its stem, then gently squeeze the bud with your gloved fingertips, starting at the base of each flower and slowly working your way to the top.
    All the viable seeds will pop out of their calyxes into your trim tray. All the nonviable immature seeds will be easily crushed as your working the mature seeds out of the buds. Most of the immature seeds will remain inside the flower. This will save you some time and effort when you later sort through the seeds to remove the duds.

I remember bodhi has photos of the simple mechanical separator he uses for shucking somewhere in the huge bodhi thread on breedbay. Next time I find it Iā€™ll repost it at OG.


Wow, sounds like a lot of work you still have hanging there. Best of luck. Thanks for the sage info. As you said, thereā€™s not many posts about peoplesā€™ techniques though I do catch them here and there.

Iā€™m right on board with you, wearing gloves and working with bone dry material is crucial for me. I then put all the hand stripped material into a mesh sieve and swoosh it all around. The seeds stay on top and help pulverize the rest of the material through the sieve which Iā€™ll use for QWET concentrates. Then sorting out the duds. I imagine thereā€™s a device that could sort by seed weight or something, but I actually enjoy this part of it. Itā€™s very pleasing to my OCD.

Iā€™d love to see Bodhiā€™s device if you ever find it.


A lipped table or tray can make hand shucking ā€œeasierā€. Put it on an angle and move the weed back and forth across the top as you break it up. The seeds roll to the bottom.
Used to use a Frisbee.


I can see someone has a history of blazing that mexican brickweedā€¦ lmao glad thise days are overā€¦


Was the only weed I knew for 50 years. Almost always bought $5 at a time. Nothing had names. The plastic bags didnā€™t even seal. Just rolled them up.


They sealed when you licked them and rolled them up lmfao! :joy:


aficianado! congrats i think !! haha

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I remember this oh so well! The good old days! :rofl: :joy:


Good job @schmarmpit hehehe have fun shucking :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Thatā€™s true, ironically, just like a joint, lol.


Looking very dank all the best


I would love to sign. up for this as well if it isnā€™t too late.


Wow man, those seeds look great. Glad youā€™re having a bountiful harvest. Canā€™t wait to dunk some.



Great job man!. How far in the soil did you put the seeds. In the beginning. Same soil you grew with or special for seeds?


Hey @schmarmpit , did all the girls turn purple?


Itā€™s still open until the grower calls it closed. That normally happens around when heā€™s packing them to send to the distributors. The same rules apply to all co-op grows. This year things are a little different. There is a small charge per pack and the shipping. Basically, just helping to cover costs.

Hereā€™s the latest update on how they all work. About the Seed Runs Co-op āš  Read before you participate

As long as the run is open you are welcome to sign up. It goes by who gets on the list first if seeds are scarce. If that happens somebody will do that strain again. You are level 2, so you would sign up in that list. peace


Iā€™d say there was a good mix of purple on half the girls, others had none at all. The F2s had much more purple coloring overall, the F1s only had one girl that was fairly purple at the end. Lots of purple on the underside of leaves and some of the top buds.

Iā€™ve been slammed trying to shuck, dry, bag, label thousands of seeds. No idea how much effort this took, and Iā€™m even more humbled by the amount of giving around here because of it. I have over 100 of the F2 seeds ready to roll, and about half through bagging the IX1s.

I should be getting these out hopefully by Thursday which is likely later than @MomOnTheRun wants to wait, but with all the madness going on out there today who knows what the plans may look like. One way or another these seeds will get to everyone whoā€™s on the list!