Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Mothers Milk - closed

No doubt cleaning and sorting seeds is way worse than trim jail. When your done trimming you can smoke a joint and when your done picking seeds you have nothing worth rolling.


I’m so confused. Guess I just may need to pop them to gauge the dankness. If its legit SFV or GSC, well then that may change some things.

Im still trying to figure out who they came from

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I think the ones we got in the December package had the various phenos or whatnot from @OleReynard. I, myself, got the small gram baggie with white label and in ballpoint ink it says “Mothers Milk #2” …something like that. From what I think I read earlier in this thread OleReynard said he provided the hand written, white labeled baggies.


No I was talking about the Hindu


Now, I can give my opinion on #3
Very heady buzz, knock out at bedtime.
Hashy with an after tone of berries.


Oh, my bad, the Hindu is from @DanzaKuduro, from my understanding


Awesome can’t wait to try it out​:grin::grin::grin:

Yeah, I believe that’s right and the Hindu go crossed to either a GSC or SFV og. Sort of vague but I was skimming the thread sort of fast. It could be great.

I was the other guy breeding up some Mothers Milk F2.
have found some Mothers Milk seeds in the flower, but not a lot. I seem to have an issue last year where my pistil tips browned up. Almost all did. Even the early season Congolese dep I did, had same thing. That was in July…
But just the tips. It never grew any kind of seed in 30+ plants in the area. I cant explain it. If u didnt get to an inside fowertop, inside the plant structure the pollen wouldnt take. I had 3 males and 4 females to mix.
Some got sent to 50state, not a ton. I have been finding and keeping them, but the flowers def didnt seed up lie they should have.
I think next year Ill pollinate sooner. Seemed by week 3 this tip shrivel would come along everything.
Ill dig up what more I have and shoot em to @50state. He can hit up on messages.
Im going thru and splitting up lant pics as a I have a few hundered all together prolly. ill finish the thread with updates, if its still open?
Been a tough time, havent spent much time on here, my mind is elsewhere. Doesnt mean I dont love and respect u guys in the community. Ill be back shortly.


R.I.P Largest Mothers Milk. A bad rainstorm brought down my pride n joy. It just split the stems off the main stalk. Unfortunatly, there was 0 give in her stocks. She was like broomstalks. So the weakness is the crotches of the branches. They just split there like nothing.

Thats 2/3rds of the plant laying in front of me. This is the split here. I tried to tape it up, but it was too late. Gave a beauty branch to the minihorses here. They enjoyed it. Didnt go to waste.
Ill dig up some more pice shere. I hve to seperate and find the best pics of each genetic and breeder. And Ill post em up.


poor plant was 7 foot+ tall and looked rounded like a 55 gallon drum. All larger phenos did for the most part. Looked like well rounded barrels of branches and leaves.
Ill drop some more pics as I sort thru the hundreds I hav to flip thru.


Mine in juvenile stage smelled like bad puppy breath lols. You will get that milky smell, and bad puppy breath to me thruout stages of growth. Depends how the genetic splits I guess as to what ya’ll see.


These, these are the ones that shall be in my april box.

@OleReynard :thumbsup: :100:X


Were u spraying anything on the plants for mold prevention etc???

I know baking soda mix and green cure can/will turn pistils brown if you use too strong of a mix


So will hydrogen peroxide…:rolling_eyes:

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Im sorting thru pics right now, trying to get them somewhat in order. 30 plants worth is a lot to go thru. Ill post the best ones I can. I have a bunch of Sept stuff I need to track down on in my drives.
Ill be back to finish out the post. 50 Did get a small amount of beans, nowhere what I had hoped for. I still have some to harvest out and send off to him.
I left a response in @50State 's mailbox too.


Here’s a flower shot of the Mothers Milk, taller pheno. Pic is not of great quality tho sorry.
Pic taken Oct 21.


Chunky Mothers Milk flower. Oct 16th, (mid-size pheno)


Closer up nug of above cola.
Very resinous. Allowing them to run into last week of October was huge. Alot of weight and resin is done in the last 2 weeks of its life cycle.