Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Mothers Milk - closed

Pop can sized Mothers Milk top. (Mid size pheno)


Mothers Milk (midsize pheno) plant shot. She ended up about 5 foot tall. To my tits and Im 6"2. Coke can sized colas. You can see at least one top that got hit by mold. The flowers are so thick this time of year that when I got rain in Oct. I lost a few tops off this girl. Heavy yielder regardless.
We had such a late spring that they didnt even put corn in till mid june. These went in mid July, so not a lot of veg time for them really.


Mothers Milk flower.
Fat, resinous nugs. Reminded me of powdered Milk in a way, or puppy halitosis moreso to me lol.
Great growing strain that if vegged and put out early could yield 8 footers no problem. Except watch for the plants that have no bend to them. Heavy branches will just peel right off the stock. I was exposed already or I wouldve at least wired the tall one which mostly died.

I have more pics, Ill be back after I sort thru the fuzzy ones and Ill post some more.


Nope @Craigson15 nothing was sprayed on plants at all this season.
I had these Congolese force flowering outside in June/July and had same thing. I seeded them, but the further in I pollinated, the more seed. Top buds didnt get seedy cuz of the pistil-tip shrivel. I cannot explain it?


Side bud shot of Mothers Milk (medium pheno) Oct15


Same plant, Oct 15th. U can tell the buds look nice, but that also the plant itself looks a little thin still and needs another 2 weeks for buds to swell and mature properly.


Voila! Mother’s Milk F2 “freak pheno” as I called it.
She is roughly 2 foot off the ground. I planted her in corn with the rest and she stubbornly did nothing lol! Just sat there. She would grow a bit at a time, but was content to stay small. I could not pick up any nute issues, so I chalk it up to being F2 I guess?
Unfortunately, this is the best pic I have of this plant, pre harvest. Cellfones and cornstocks dont make for quality shots most of the time lol. Apologies. (veg pics of freak pheno are posted earlier in the thread above)


“freak pheno” flower.
This was the only one of the 3 to turn colour. The other 2 stayed green. Dunno if its in the genetics, or if its environment. My guess is the purple is in the genetic somewhere.


Different flower off same plant…


Mothers Milk F2 “(2nd) tallest pheno”
After the other getting whacked in the rain storm, this became the tallest pheno. Same smells as the other 3 regular phenos really. This one had a smalll splash of spice to it? It was tall like a 55 gallon drum but the top heavy nuggs larger than baseballs are weighing this plant down in this picture.
Pic taken Oct 9th.


She finished just under 7 foot tall, with crazy branches everywhere straining and testing the branches. This girl had more give than the other, or she wouldve been stripped too by stormy weather. She held up nice. Couldve taken this one 3rd week of October. 2nd fastest to the tallest plant.
Again, powdermilk/dogbreath (to me) smells. Massive amounts of resin glands everywhere on swollen colas, if left long enough.
This plant came in around a little over 500 grams. Which isnt bad for having a month delay to our season here.


Nug shot of the Mothers Milk F2 pictured above. Pic taken Oct 9th, 2.5 weeks before harvest


Another cola shot


I have more pics to go thru. A lot were blurry, poor background etc.
stay tuned…

Mothers Milk F2 is in my top 3 strains out of prolly 8-10 diff genetics I ran, along with @50State 's Chem 4. Those are my 2 go to bags right now.
Lovely high, large buds, tons of resin on them. Just be aware of growing outside that they need as much time as they can get. 2 solid months of flowering, at least if possible.
I was fortunate to have super weather right upto Oct29/30 this year, allowing these to properly finish.
@50State got a sample of it to try. Hope he enjoyed. Was a pleasure to grow, I just feel awful I didnt get many hundreds of beans for everyone. That really bums me.
Maybe I can redeem myself this year?


I like the looks of the Freak pheno. Those leaves sure look sativa but on a 2 foot high plant. I bet its a good smoke! They sure look great!


Sorry about that…seems to be one or 2 that gets missed for something :unamused: Oh I would have found a way if I had realized.

ok I have a pack of nt x mm set to the side for you with your name on it for the April box :wink:


Also, yes :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to see ya back around! Wonder what was up with that…maybe a virus? Just speculating - the longer one does something, the more that is learned :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks very tasty as I sit here with my mouth watering :stuck_out_tongue:

No worries! Least we now know what happened to this run and really feel your pain as I have had nothing but issues with Lucky 7’s so giving it a break for the moment and running other strains in the mean time…I did keep a pack of MM #1, 2 and 4 from Olereynard to do seed run for the community so we can put this one to bed though if your going to rerun them this summer, i’ll hold off and do a back cross in a couple yrs :wink:


yea @MomOnTheRun instead of hooking up @50State with more seeds (I sent him 70 or so I think?), Ill run some of these Mother’s Milk again this year and select more for quality as the last pollination was just to open up the genetic pool during preservation.
If Im successful Ill hook up @50State again and he can put them back into circulation as an F4(?) Mothers Milk, if @50State and other people here choose.
Thats the plan anyways @MomOnTheRun.
Also, just wanted to say thank you @MomOnTheRun for your generosity of sending out seeds to complete strangers also. Thats really cool and unselfish of you, and the other folks here who offer thi super service to access quality genetics.
A super big THANK YOU!!!


Can I add this to April box? Also when will the link be available to donate for shipping


Right on! Then i’ll hold onto the ones I have for personal use

It is totally my pleasure to help get these awesome genetics back out into the main stream :stuck_out_tongue:

I finally have the mass pm up to collect postage… I can send you Nepali Temple x Mothers Milk in your box