Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

I remember reading somewhere that chemically made seeds will last on average with no special treatment around 3 years with good germination rates, while seeds made with Organic methods will last more like 5 years with very good germination rates. A lot depends on your climate. My uncle had seeds out in Washington stored in baggies or ball jars, at room temperature( up to 90 indoors) , for over 20 years, that germed very well. It’s a very arid climate where he lived. With the humidity I have here, 5 years or so I’ll still have close to 100% germination, but by 8 - 10 yrs, drops to almost nothing. Humidity seems to be the major factor, as my uncle had worse temperature swings than I have,


Don’t forget to make some hash out of that old stock. After you get your seeds of course. ( they do float too). A lot of that THC will have converted to CBN. It makes for some very relaxing hash. Good sleep aid.


This is why some people defoliate the larger older leaves just before flower season to get rid of those inhibitors faster then the plant would on it’s own. This does have the disadvantage of robbing the plant of nutrients and sugars it would have gotten from those leaves if left to yellow on there own.


That’s a great tip. Get rid of those Old leaves if trying to induce flowering in a short season. Smaller buds are better than none at all.

@Heritagefarms. … Cabeca de negro… sorry @DiggySoze, thought I was on landrace thread… I’m looking forward to seeing how your room does during this heat wave that’s coming up


Should I be looking out for some bamboo Stakes myself? I’ve never grown a plant that couldn’t support itself. But some of these tropicals are pretty wimpy looking in the stalk department. Though I’m sure they are very flexible and strong, any vegetation that leans on other vegetation makes a bridge for Slugs and snails to get on the plants. All gardening supplies in my area are in short supply this year, which I bet is happening everywhere. If I need bamboo Stakes I should hop on it… what do you think?

Happy and healthy looking Haze plants in front of those Gorokas. How tall were they when they were induced into flowering?

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Lol. It’s all good. Threads don’t seem to get unmanageable until posts hit four digits, so we should be fine with a tangent now and then.

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Damn good question. They are 12/12 from seed, born on 4/20 so about ten weeks old today, and I’d hazard a guess of 2-3 weeks into flower. Middle of June, didn’t even know which were males and which were female.


I havent noticed to much of a reduction in flower size when defoliating but it’s definitely a balance and having happy healthy soil definitely helps.
In regards to bamboo/plant supports I always recommend it. Some varieties do fine without support but most need and or benefit from it.
I grow a couple different strains that would commit suicide if not supported and that’s with out wind or rain.


Oh damn, forgot this question. lol. Got the attention span of a goldfish sometimes.

Yeah, that’s good advice. There’s only 4 branches between the two goroka that need help, but wow do they need help. lol. The branches in question are pretty heavily seeded, so there’s also that.


Just remembered these Haze have actually been on a 10/14 cycle their entire lives. Have no complaints so far.


Pulled a random seed and we’re getting close. Just eight more weeks left? Lol

The secondary canopy has nicer buds than the top. Not 100% sure why, but I’d guess the temperatures and IR light up high isn’t as nice.

I hope you all look at this grow and think, “I can do better than that.” If any one of us tries to improve this line it would take a lifetime, but ten people all running just a couple plants and sharing genetic material from stand-out specimens would make the whole process infinitely easier. Like @romanoweed said, without large numbers we won’t produce the same high-level progeny that we could.


Now that is something I’ve always wanted to do I would actually like to do it with a whole plant but I don’t know if I could ever bring myself to do it…would be cool to have a time lapse camera to get an entire life cycle in nature


Good lord. Imagine the plants in Bodhi’s “cellar.” Not just cannabis too


Excellent! Nice healthy seed! Honestly, I look at this incredibly long grow and hope I can manage it as well as you have. I’ll be happy if I do. I will most certainly be growing these beans, should there be enough. It’s the only thing that will fix my drooling problem, which began when I saw this thread lol. I sure hope more people follow suit. 10 of us together can do much more. Imagine the best 1% of these genetics! Would be sooooo good!


…& only 7 more to go! :wink: :sweat_smile: :calendar: Valentine’s Day

:evergreen_tree: heheh


Oh, go on… You are already thinking about it… :thinking:
You know you are going to do it, you are just down to when and which sativas…
:+1: :sunglasses:
I recognize the symptoms :mag_right: :rofl:



Same bud from opposite directions.

Hard to get good pics of these beautiful monstrosities now that I can’t move em.


Your Goroka is looking fine. It’s never seemed to be unhappy.

I had to start thinking that way. I have 3 sativa started and want to start two or three more. I’ll make it work. I’m getting a few pollen strains that make it all even more interesting.


Everyone keeps telling me that. I might just be projecting…

The buds are finally filling in and the white hairs that weren’t pollinated are turning orange, too. She’s still growing some new, but it looks like we’re in the final stretch. I’ll try to get a couple good whole plant and up close shots today.


All I can say is…Sexy!