Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

Thank you so much!

Oh wait, you mean the plants? Damn. Lmfao.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Hilarious man.


Or as Sean Connery might say…Sheckshy!


Great job on the goroka! Very impressive to keep a long flowering plant like that happy not only in a container, but indoors under artificial lighting as well. You may want to line up some counseling for when you cut those plants down. You may have postpartum depression LOL!


Not even gunna lie, they’re hanging by their ankles as we speak. Definitely could have gone longer, or finished much earlier. But the majority of the seeds are ripe, so they needed to go.
Smoked a tester bowl of the seed husks, and now I understand the description; Soaring.
Some weed gets you stoned, this bud gives you wings. Lmfao


Wow Diggy…

Great snaps! All I can say is wow-w-w! (And repeat)
Those beautiful thick buds look amazing…Nice work!


:thinking: High-dollar hash may be this strain’s ‘commercially viable’ trait… :thinking:

:evergreen_tree: :smoking: :coffee: :sunrise_over_mountains:


I can’t wait till you give a full description of smells, taste and high after a bit of curing…SOARING… is a beautiful word. Sounds like a winner for sure. What was the total flowering time on these? I don’t recall if you started from 12:12, or if you gave them a bit of veg first?


If you’re thinking hydrocarbon extraction; birds of a feather, and all that. It would not be cost effective in a business setting, but the sheer novelty factor might make it worth running for headstash.

Azure harvested his at 29 weeks from seed. I abandoned ship at 30 weeks from seed.

This has been far from a perfect run, but I would say best estimate; twenty weeks flower time for a sexually mature clone.
With that being said, is there anyone here actually interested in spending nine months to yield a pound of middies? The quality is awesome, the nostalgia is through the roof, but at the end of the day if you get the buds tested they’re probably 8-12%. You’d be hard pressed to find a stranger commitment.

Is anyone else foolish enough to join me on this endeavor, of turning a pure wild sativa fresh out of the history books, into a line that can stand alongside the new strains? It’s a project up there with turning teosinte into corn.

  • Hell Yes
  • Hell No
  • What the hell is teosinte?
0 voters

Hell yeah, Diggy. I’m in. I’ve wanted in from day one. A half dozen people or more, and we’d have a kick ass ibl before too long.( relatively speaking of course) I think the yield will come without all that energy spent on seeds, too. It was really nice despite the seeds. I was re reading the thread( part) today and came across your post about 90 degree heat and humidity affecting the buds if harvest went past early July. And we had some heat this year for sure. How did your setup hold out?


Dude, you’re not kidding! Last couple days have been mid 80s and it feels cool enough for a jacket. :sweat_smile:

Some plants at the top of the spectrum thoroughly enjoy it. Lotta normal plants clearly not running at full stride. Couple refuse to comply and perform a harakiri.
But if I understand epigenetics correctly, than breeding in climates that are too easy-going leads the line towards an inability to deal with harsh conditions — so I kinda welcome decimation by normal stressors.

Couple of the Queen Goji bx from Growhard and a couple Model Cement from LedSeedz couldn’t take it.
There’s a Model Cement bout four weeks into flower right now, killing it. I swear every degree the temp goes up so does her speed of growth.


That’s a long flower time for 8-12% what are the terps like? Lol :laughing: someone has to say it

If the flower time was shorter I would be all over a 8% I think it has a place in the market and future of cannabis

Hell hit it with some ghash bring it down to 14 and maybe up the thc to 16 lol just pulled that math out of nowhere :wink: not a scientist lol


Yeah, Exactly. Don’t want anyone jumping into the deep-end and thinking mother nature produces those IG centerfold buds. Those are all works of human selection, and a lot of em produce some wack ass cannabinoids. Some of the prettiest buds I’ve ever seen have been trash.

The orange blossom smell has held strong, with a kinda grape and tobacco back end.


Yeah, this is the next project. I’m going to use the Seppuku instead of the pure goroka and hit a few short flowering plants.
A Heri, a Ghash, a Kashmir. Something like that, to end up with a sort of New True Haze.


How was the male to female ratio? I have pollen from some haze and few other plants. I’m gonna have at least 3 - 6 sativa type going into fall. You think it would be a good breeding partner? Maybe we can find a top pheno in the beans and as many people as possible to look.

I’m gonna be having haze type plants going into the winter so I hope to be set up well enough to make them comfy. I also hope to have more than a few pollens to use if needed.


Had me worried early on, but came out normal. I want to say I started six plants and got two males.

That’s a damn good question. I’d expect just about anything she touches should turn into The Hulk version of itself.



Your massive plant looks so familiar . . .

I just ‘early’ harvested a monster Dr Grinspoon at 28 weeks that took over my tent with huge bud arms that never fully matured.


Hi @tobedetermined, I have been looking at Dr. Grinspoon for a project. I would be growing indoors in soil. Any insights you would care to share?

Thanx & Cheers



See this thread: Grow Dr. Grinspoon

I grew indoors in coco. Daily watering/nutes. Never higher than ec 0.8. LED lighting (fixture + strips) around 700w. Light - 18/6 for 5 weeks. Then 12/12 for months. The last 6 weeks was 10/14. It stretched like a MF. Seriously. Multiple arm size bud stalks that grew 10’ - 11’.

My advice. Start from 12/12 & grow it in a small pot - 3-4 gallons. Switch to 10/14 late in harvest if you get there.

From my experience & others on another forum, this latest batch of Dr G no longer has the ‘pearl’ pheno. Charles S (reeferman) says he is doing a side-by-side grow of these new seeds & some old Senor Garcia seeds (aka Dr Grinspoon).


Any pictures?