Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

Go to the link in the post above. I don’t want to clutter this thread.


Will be updating the original post with this same info, in case this gets buried;

If anyone is interested in a pack of these seeds and has not received a PM from me, feel free to send me one. If you just want to wait, they’re on the way to the various distributors and you’ll receive it in the fall giveaway like normal.

A quick grow report:

  • Seeds direct sown in soil, 4 females and 2 males iirc. Two females given away.
  • Harvested at 30 weeks from germination. With 24~30 nodes, each plant took up about a 3x3 space.
  • Two plants shared 15 gallons of soil, without complaint. Would have been more comfortable in 30.
  • One female leaned more towards a stereotypical Thai shape, with long slender branches. The other female had a more Christmas tree shape, like a Colombian. I have no reason to believe this is a hybrid, rather than a variable trait.
  • Throughout the thread I mention wanting to take sexually mature clones and never flowering rootstocks. On the next run I would definitely stick to that. And unless you’re a little sadomasochist, I would suggest anyone else take the clone-only route, too. :sweat_smile:

For the future; A proper male or males needs to be found that can steer the line towards trichomes production.

Best option, IMO; two immaculate females could be found, reversed, and the line lead towards the final product. When the incredible male is finally found the Y chromosome can be reinserted, and we’ll have a line of regular seeds again.


I’m lazy, af; So instead of sending out a ton more identical PMs — anyone in the US your seeds are otw as we speak, and outside the US I’m hoping to have in transit tomorrow.


@Worcestershire_Farms, you certainly are to be commended!!! Stay safe/be well.


This? from a dude who just ran Marathon Woman for umpteen months AND did a seed-run?

“You’re a liar.” :joy: :crossed_swords:



great gesture as always!! All signed up and ready to go…thanks to all yall


That is a valid argument. :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:


Your arms off!!! … No it isn’t !.. Looook!!!..
That’s just a flesh wound! Lol, ha ha!!! Good one!


Package showed up today, was chock full of fire beans. Thank you, @Worcestershire_Farms.


I honestly thought I’d never again see or hear about Limahl. Now I’m having flashbacks to the eighties.


Mail arrived safely thanks so much @Worcestershire_Farms


The long flowering strains provides excellent medicine. Thc is not the goal these strains usually have some unique cannabinoids that are produced during long flowering. I am looking forward to growing this strain. Have not smoked PNG weed in over 30 years. Landrace sativa is worth the effort :clap:


Thanks for that info. I didnt know there were cannabinoids exclusive to long flowering landraces. Another reason they are in desperate need of preservation. Thankyou Diggy!


The credit goes the OG community as a whole imo. It took everyone working together to accomplish this. Plus it’s a great motivation for others to see unity and family in the most unlikely places. But I do thank you for the honorable mention :+1::v:


Hi everyone,
Apols for the extended absence, and for it looking like I had done a runner with the seed run seeds… not so, I just got so busy with so many non weed related things that I had to park growing anything for a while… It’s about the right time of year here now to whack these PNG gold in outdoors so I might get this rockin shortly if there is still interest?.. look like I got a lot of catching up to do!


Hell yeah dude, never too late.


F*ckin A! @Hoodini :hugs: :smoking:

Got my excellent DVD rip with a Origami maraca thing :+1:

:herb: :japanese_ogre: :mountain:

Thanks for the hard work & I’ll do my best. :slight_smile:



Love to see them run outdoors! That would be a sight. You mean in a pot or in the ground? Love to see how big they want to get unrestricted by a pot. Welcome back!


I just now recieved my beans today! Yay!
And I was just thinking, I’ll run a couple outside in a hole dug out around 3-5 gal size, fill with top soil and coco (of course) and let them be.


In the ground is the plan bro :+1: got primo red volcanic soil and I have me a big ass post hole digger to bore the holes :rofl:
I will most prob run some other local land race sativa’s in the same patch… it’s so wet here that outdoors big tall xmas tree sativas are about all I can get away with, anything even slightly indica grows like crazy and then just rots when it buds. :roll_eyes: