Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

@slain @DiggySoze thanks guys for putting this together and for your diligence to finish this project and get everyone some fire beans! @Worcestershire_Farms thank you as well for taking your time to help get these in our hands.
I can’t wait for my run with em


What other landrace sativas will you run? I would love to see all of them… I’m in the same boat regarding mold, though not as extreme. Anything Indica dominant will rot.


I wish I could run sativa straight in the ground… Perhaps someday. Are you in Australia? If so which area? please forgive my memory. I’m having a flashback that we had this conversation before, but it’s been awhile.


Let me just say publicly that I couldn’t be more thrilled about this preservation project being successful! I reached out to Azure, the person who gifted the seeds to me, and informed him about the existence of this thread, and this project. He seems pleased that there is breeding work being done on his seeds. I gave him the link to read through this thread so I hope he chimes in. I know he’s been growing some hybrids that were made with these seeds, like a cross with Tom Hill Haze and another one with Malawi/PCK so he might be able to offer some insight into any genetic characteristics that make it through to the hybrids. Maybe. Anyway, I’m so happy right now! I just knew that I might not ever get a chance to pop those seeds and I didn’t want them to go to waste.


Sorry i tried reading back but still not 100%. Did this one ever finish and seeds get sent out?


Thanks, it looks like a few seed runs breeders just sent everything to MOTR to then distribute. Which is kinda whack but is what it is.

Just trying to half assed sort out what I still have coming.


My apologies for being unclear. Distributors outside the US should have em any day now, and the rest will proceed as normal.


The USA mail is hiccuping these days. Will be happy to receive the seeds whenever they arrive.


This thread is a trip, you are incredibly patient!


I use this thread to determine my “highness”


I was gonna hit you up to check. I was wondering because I think another mail is supposed to be delivered but nothing. I haven’t gotten any mail from out of town lately. The mail lady drives 50 mph down the road now but never stops, lol.

I can’t get that image and article I saw on the news website of the contract mail driver dumping a full rental truck of mail into a gated parking lot… :confounded:


@GMan your pack of Mango Thai pollen never got to you either, correct?
I remember one was returned to sender.


Yeah that first one never did make it. I thought you said not long ago you were mailing this one and some pollen or Black VN stuff, but wasn’t sure if you mailed it. No hurry, I was just curious if the PO is safe to be using atm, with the elections coming up. @Jjm was sending something a while back but haven’t checked with him to see if it finally went out or how long ago.

I haven’t been getting my mail normal I don’t think. It doesn’t feel right. The only mail I’ve gotten in over a month is local mail and that’s rare except for the Wed. sale flyers.

So, you already sent these seeds? Just curious. peace


I don’t know what state you’re in G-Man so this is only conjecture, but when covid-19 at here in New York, the mail service was absolute shit for say two or three months. Now I don’t notice any delays at all. In New York, all local mail is sent to Syracuse. Perhaps all the out-of-town mail that goes to your area is in a city that has a covid-19 issue right now.


Yeah, I never sent the pollen a second time. The batch of PNG that went out on August 7th would have had yours in it. If it gets returned to sender again I’ll find out and get back in touch with ya.


Hey bud I sent those while ago. Shoulda got them. I’ll send ya another batch got lots. Did you get any of the lavender I can send ya some of those too?

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Thanks guys, no hurry, but I’d love some. My point was I’m not sure how safe it is to send right now with the election war and the Post Office scandal. That’s two packages sent at about the same time. No reason they wouldn’t be here.

The govt’ already said they’re targeting Democratic run states over the mail in ballots. Something isn’t right. Denver is our mail hub and they’re not having any more problems than other states. Last mail I got from out of town was two months ago or close.

I doubled checked my addy twice to make sure. The first time from you Diggy, I wrote the address number wrong.

I’ve never seen the mail truck drive by so fast, so many days in a row. She’s not stopping anywhere much. I started noticing 2 months ago. She actually stopped and put a local piece of mail in yesterday and that’s only the second time in three months she stopped on a Thursday. I started keeping track because I was seeing her scream down the road on Thurs. and not stopping at anyones house… got me…???

You get my PP Diggy?


Hey man send me addy thing again and I’ll get them out tomorrow in the morning.

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Do you have enough to send me a few of those?


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