Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

It’s interesting with the mail. Perhaps your mail deliverer refuses to handle the mail, or is afraid of covid? I heard of a different case where somebody was just dumping mail in my state a couple months ago, whole entire loads . It could be a way to cash in on stimulus checks. They’ve been hiring stand-ins to do the mail runs if the post person is afraid I believe, and some of these people are just lazy or scum or both.


I deduced my carrier is unreasonably afraid of the mass of spiderwebs & former insects that enveloped my mailbox when the mail kept being delivered on top of my asapragus fern. :roll_eyes: Sissies.

:evergreen_tree: :spider_web:


Hey, good news. I did get a package from @Howard.Crane and in record time. So, the PO still knows I’m here.

That surprised me for sure. So, I hope my other mail wasn’t in some of the mail that was dumped, jeez. lol. I was starting to wonder.

[quote=“Jjm, post:342, topic:25983, full:true”]
Hey man send me addy thing again and I’ll get them out tomorrow in the morning. [/quote]

Ok, thank you brother. After this harvest I’m going to organize all of the seeds I’ve made to see if anyone wants any. None have been tested yet but there could be some great stuff. I really want to create something nice to repay all of the cool peeps on here that have helped me. :v: :facepunch:


:wink: Both of them! :rofl:

:evergreen_tree: :sparkles: clean record


I had a rare dvd set floating in post office limbo for over a month, before it was unexplainably delivered to a family member on the other side of town.

2 recent seed envelopes inexplicably required a $2 payment to the local post office before they were delivered. One was delivered, still waiting on the second.

the shit is strange.


We have definitely stepped into 1984 or Logan’s Run or some other dystopian world. Margaret Atwood predicted it all though she’s recently said how sad current events are closely related to her worlds.

The mail service is not something I’ve ever given a second thought to until this year. We get mail 3-4 days/week but the carrier is different every time; though some we do see regularly. :v:t5:


@katanaking00 has a thousand or so Goroka Highland to be distributed across Australia.

Feel free to send him a pm if you want a pack


Same here. And it happened with a package I sent, and had paid for already. It is strange.


Does anyone know if they sent any out in US. Never got a message or anything and been on list for awhile

@BudaFingaz Yeah, I sent out a bunch of packages but ran out of funds far short of covering everyone. If you can cover shipping I can send you a pack tomorrow. Send me a PM.

I’ve gotta run the rest of the originals this year coming up.


I would gladly send you the shipping costs for a chance to have some of these beans :v:


Hey bro, just wondering if you ever sent that pack back to me? I never saw it if you did. No biggie, I sent you some $ for postage that hopefully covers the first time where I gave you the wrong address #. I was almost more interested in the pollen you were going to send. Just curious as a few others told me they were sending things, too, but nothing ever showed. I’m trying to decide if my PO is screwing me. I have reason to believe they have more than once. I have received other’s mail recently. peace


uhhhh… Lmfao. are you sure I was the person you gave the wrong address to? I just checked out last PM about the goroka on august 10th, and you didnt mention a wrong address. lol

Either way, shoot me a PM with the correct info and I’ll get you a tracking number by the end of the day.


Oh yeah! The pollen, right? I do remember that now.


Lol, yeah, I think it’s been about a year. I think it was right after you finished the seed run. I checked and I had given one wrong number on my addy…stoner.

I’m probably fine atm, I was just wondering about my PO and whether anything was on them. Seems like you had some Viet Black pollen? If that’s still out there I might take you up on it sometime. I freaking ended up with a lot of seeds this last year, before I even realized it. I’ve been real busy trying to stay afloat and only now getting caught up to get back to my seeds and stuff.

I’ll wait till I have something good to send back at you on seeds. I’ve ended up with a lot of crosses of my own that I’ve never even tried yet. A few of those could be worthy of sharing. I’m hoping to get it all sorted this winter.

I need more hours in a day now. It’s just hard to get through lots of strains. It’s a fun problem to have, heh… hit me up anytime, bro. If you get something I shouldn’t miss, holler at me, lol. I’m hoping to do a seed run of my own for the co-op eventually. I just need to make sure what I’ll run and that I can get it finished without any issues. Thanks! peace


Shure do bro yeah hit me up guys!!!


Would anyone be willing to ship me some beans? I can cover shipping. I was really excited about this one.


Hey bro where are you from?

Was anyone taking care of these in Europe or the uk side of the world? Let me know please

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I’ll shoot you a PM.

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