Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

So I have good news, and I have bad news.

The bad news: To everyone who is still waiting, you’ll have to wait a bit longer. Someone asked for the last 200 seeds I produced, and a dozen of the seeds Azure had produced.

The good news? That ‘someone’ is The Landrace Team! So between Overgrow, Sebrings site, and TLT, this project has been a spectacular success. There are now Goroka Highlands seeds on every continent, minus the cold one.
I still have some seeds that Azure produced, so I can do another run to cover anyone on the list who has not received a pack. Plus we’ve a few dozen OGers who also have Goroka seeds so if anyone else wants to join in, this is the perfect opportunity.

Drown those seeds and post your pics!


Good question. Looks like I somehow missed this.


Wow, the LR team will get these into a lot of people’s hands. Great job @hush and @Worcestershire_Farms in preserving the plant.


That’s my fault. Most people on the list did. I was having money troubles and couldn’t float the >$100 it would have cost to get the packs to the distributors, so I told everyone hit me up and sent out packs individually. A few people here and there got a pack of a thousand, to spread out amongst their various circles.

When I’m done with the Vietnam Blacks I’ll pop the rest of the seeds from hush and get the OG list covered.


I see. Isn’t that why we pay a bit per preserved strain? Growers preserving strains should not have to pay their own $$$ to send them out on top of their work. Anyway thanks for preserving the strain! :seedling::seedling::seedling:


Oh man, that’s rough. Definitely should’ve had you covered through the coop fund… but guessing that might’ve been tied up in the other issue at the time :thinking:

Anyways, pretty sure I still have ~45 some odd Goroka Highlands left from the fat pack you sent me last year. Kinda hoping you didn’t add any into the Box of Chocolates or I’m gonna have to find some more people to give some more away to :rofl:

Meant to tell ya, if you want anything I got just let me know and where to send it too sir. I still have some spare NL5HazeSensiStar F2’s I can send if you didn’t get any and might want them.


Lmfao. Oh god no. That would be a terrible surprise. Lmfao


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Chat room (let’s chat!) :speech_balloon:

like a 24 week one :wink:


How do you guys add pictures please.

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Click the button I highlighted, looks like a line with an arrow up. That’s the upload button.


Thanks Doug, il give that a try


No problem, any time.


Question if you can help Worcestershire Farms or any one els who knows, how hard is it to find find phenotypes like ive pictured in the reproduction ? Ive seen some of the pictures and it looks like the more slimmer leafed type pop up alot more. If you can help id be interested to know what sort of figures one has to look through in the reproductions to find afew like the ones pictured thanks. (Also in fist post in this thread pictures 1,2,3 and 4 those type phenotypes)


This is a long shot but does anyone still have some of the goroka highlands hidden away in their collection or possibly some pollen at least . I only have a few seeds left and I’m hoping to find a few males to continue the strain as I’ve only found ladies so far. Feel free to pm me with any leads to keep the strain going . Thanks in advance .


I’ve got STS if you wanted to make femmed seeds. No idea why I didn’t keep a male alive forever.


I’ve never used sts , I have a little from Sebring but it’s only enough to turn one plant I think .

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If we want to join, do we go to the list at the top, or sebring, or what?

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I have some of the auto PNG going atm, not sure how many are aware but some auto flowering plants were found in the original beans and bred and I’m now testing those to see how true this auto flowering trait is. I also have some of the regular stock that I intend to do a preservation run with possibly this fall going threw winter Into spring, they are stored in a cryogenic approved sealed vile in a water proof sealed box in a dedicated fridge. The line will live on.
I’m kinda wanting to grow out these Columbian black first though , alot were passed out on here and they were collected there locally by a member here and I have seen zero grows ,
there rumored to have really bad germination rates.


@urbs Add your name to the top. It’ll probably be a good couple minutes before this thread kicks back into action. :sweat_smile:

@Heritagefarms Are you multiplying the batch you’re running now? You’re going to kick yourself if you don’t lol. Do you have a journal on them?