Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

I have three going atm and as long as I get a boy I most definitely will be, there just now starting to take shape so no journal yet but this is one of the three , they all look identical , I started four but the forth had a defect and wouldn’t grow.


What was your expieriance with this strain besides it taking forever to flower, wasn’t it something crazy like 10 weeks before they showed hairs ?

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Thank you. I assume distro will be handled by sebring?

I have some GA3 I could send you. Probably best if I make a stock solution since solubility and measuring is a bit fiddly.


You uhhh… you know you’re in that thread right now? Lol. But nah, they didn’t take any longer than I would expect. Upstate noticed them showing sex from a picture at 8 weeks on the dot.

How do you intend to tell whether or not they autoflower?


They will be kept under 18 hours of light in the mother room , if they start flowering with out a reduction in light I’d feel pretty safe to say they are auto flowering . There has been questions as to whether the ones that autoflowerd were true autos or if it was induced by stress. Basically love them and make sure there fed and happy so if they auto flower under veg I know it’s genetic.


Yeah, that was me. :sweat_smile:

It wasn’t just a question, tho. I explicitly stated that the goroka are not autoflowers. And then I explained why they’re not, why it’s easy to mistake them for autoflowers, and told the story of my friend who spent a couple years trying and failing to lock down the autoflower trait in a pure sativa. Lol.

Any plant can be kicked into flower without shortening their daylight. Even an 8 week indica. I understand why azure wants to believe otherwise, but if wishes were horses and all that.


I know people get worked up at my negativity, so I should say best of luck to you. But the seeds you’re growing have the same parents as the ones I grew. You’re literally posting in a thread that shows both azures female plants, his only male, as well as my entire journal of their progeny.

Anyone who thinks I’m being an asshole should consider the weight of the evidence for each side.


Yeah I’m just going off what I was told and am aware what thread I’m posting in :joy:
I’m growing PNG beans so would this not be a appropriate place to discuss the results ?
I don’t recall all the details of the original grow but apparently I hit a nerve somewhere, I’m sorry if I posted something that contradicts what you know but I was clear that I’m testing them for the auto trait based on mixed reports , I’ll read back over this when I get time and see what the past holds. Either way there growing and going to be hanging out for awile so hopefully I get a male, if not a have some more I’ll do a bigger run with in the future. I have a bunch of autos going atm so I figured it would be a good time to see whats up with these, if there not autos looks like I’ll have some sativa to smoke on at some point either way.


No but that’s what I’m saying. Just because I’m contradicting your claim doesn’t mean I’m being negative or that I’m upset or that I hold any ill will.

There’s this weird situation on the internet where if you tell someone they’re wrong, you’re an asshole. I’m not mad, I am not being hostile, I’m not saying anyone is a bad person.

I’m just saying you are repeating the claim that they autoflower in the thread with all of the evidence to the contrary. The seeds you’re running are the same line as the seeds I ran. They have the exact same grandparents.

Definitely do continue. I didn’t even vaguely assert that you should stop. I’m pointing out the fact that you skipped all of the information and evidence and it’s all available in front of you. When you asked how long it took them to show sex, I went back and read the thread to answer your question.

You’re in class telling the teacher what some dude told you while the book is open on the table.


what is the idea, why do you think its rather stressinduced than automatic?

cause its not showing in every pheno, right?

Principially im absolutely no expert, so im listening.
My first thought would still be: can Stress be so impactfull that they flower even in long Photoperiods? Cause this is what i heard, and i asked him extra a secound Time. He said, yes, flowers in long photoperiods,(IMORTANT: i cant say for wich timespan that happened tho…Satties can take a while to change from veg to flower). but he said: flowered while very long Days.

Well I’m just repeating what I was told by somebody else and that is that there is confusion as to whether they auto flower or not. So I’m growing them and deciding for my self, I understand your what thread I’m in and I understand your point of view but comments like I’m in the classroom with the book open are rather un necessary. Books have traditionally been filled with false information and science is based on multiple people finding and be able to acheive the same results. The few grows that have been documented are hardly enough to make concrete claims as to what the line holds or not . I can explore what I choose regardless of the evidence layed down by others. If I took everybodies word for everything it would be a sad day. I’m not saying what you say is false just that with the information I was given I’ve decided it is best to determine on my own rather then rely on other people’s expierance. Autoflowering is a recessive trait and just because you did not see or expieriance it does not mean that the genes are not there and that if the right siblings were combined it may be able to be stabilized. I’m guessing at this point if I do find and stabilize the auto trait in these plants your going to have a hard time believing it.
The hardest part if it’s there but recessive would be finding a male and female at the same time that both carry it, somebody would probably need to start 100 or so of these to get a real good idea of what lies hidden within.
When somebody grows 100 or so out and documents that none of them autoflower when given plenty of nutrients and root space then I would feel confident that the auto flower trait is not there. I don’t think most people have the space time or money to do such things so I won’t hold my breath.
Now with all that being said I would be very suprised if they show auto traits , besides a Mexican ruderalis plant most auto flowers have been found south of 34° latitude and PNG sits around 6° south so it’s not very likely.


i will be following your reports heritagefarms.

even if its stressinduced and some would flower trough till the end, that would be insane potential for northern growers… starting few seedlings at new year inside, harvesting next oktober outdoors… a dream, i hope come true

My experience with the ones I’ve grown , cloned and that were monster cropped and had other stress have shown 0 autoflowering here .


Funny you mention that whole long flowering sativa in the north idea because that’s very appealing to me also. These PNG are being grown more out of curiosity then anything but I also have a bunch of my red leb royal purple auto going with some Mauy Thai and Panama lime super autos. I will be breeding my autos with the long flowering super autos in hopes of creating a sativa dominate auto flower line that can be started and finished in the way you describe.


cool. as a sattie lover i can say i never heard of any good outcross to auto. like: whooaa this stuff rocks…
i think you need to do it either very very high level, breed forever, atleast never heard of any good results. (im picky you know)

thats why the goronka is a very good chance, for keeping that trippy uphigh.
i mean, alot of why sativas dont shine at north could be bypassed if the plants just would flower in summer. The sunintensity would be acceptable good. The warmth , all problems gone to a good Degree, would they just flowertrigger… Great potential.

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I just seen lately a Zamal grown by a member of Vibes Collective, AND IT FLOWERED a bit in Summer! Dont know how long, i think he was not happy about it…He showed Pics…

This Zamal Line is even very very Strong Effect. I probably could find that Zamal if someone wants to do the same Tests. Just tell me, i may give you the link, MAY. Just PM me.
Alltho, cause his unhappy Reaction, i guess those might be stressinduced, and i dont know for what Timespan, but i recall they flowered in MAY.

And that Zamal made me mouthwater… if that flowers in summer, i would grow it.


This is a grow journal.
You literally have the grow journal open in front of you, and you did not even casually glance back through it to find out how long they took to show sex. You tagged me in the thread you were looking at to ask me to find the answer for you.

I think it’s a pretty apt metaphor.

I gain nothing from anyone’s failure. I would love to see your plants flower and harvested.

With that said. Whomever told you they autoflower, is stupid. :rofl: :sweat_smile: :beers:
You can feel free to tell them I said so.


I found the pics of the Zamal,

pure Zamal (Pictures not from me):