Seed Run Co-op: Goroka Highland, Papua New Guinea

:pray: Hope it all works out whatever ā€œitā€ isā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


I spoke too soon & several started opening up. :partying_face:

They were in water but Iā€™m in Hawaii so I figured 65F at night wouldnā€™t be too badā€¦




Hey @OGTreeSlayer , I see you just signed up but not sure that this run is still alive. Last time @DiggySoze was seen on OG was July of last year. Perhaps someone on @TeamOG could close the wiki in OP until someone hears from Diggy.


Well Iā€™m on there lol thanks @DougDawson. Hope all is well for @DiggySoze

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Diggy is @Worcestershire_Farms


Thanks @Meesh , I knew they had the same avatar but was not aware that they were indeed the same user with 2 active accounts using different names. Appreciate the info.

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BWAHAHAHA I just signed up tooā€¦lol

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve every seen a rule against itā€¦but Iā€™m out of the loop nowā€¦

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May be all good bud, it looks like I spoke to soon. I was not aware of the 2 accounts and know @Worcestershire_Farms is still active. My mistake.

I donā€™t believe he uses the diggy account anymore

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Thatā€™s so weird, I never got beans from this run.
I thought that he went MIA and was worried. Maybe I wasnā€™t high enough on the list. Idk no worries now.
Iā€™m glad to know he is alrigt thou.
Did anyone get any of these ? If so please let me know if you would like to trade a few. These sounded awesome.

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I though the run was long over according to this post from Sept 2020.


Oh. I see. Oh well, I never got my pack. Iā€™ll post up in the trade thread later and see if there are a few floating around haha

Prolly no reason to fretā€¦there is plenty of on going seed runsā€¦to hit upā€¦


I got one pop from maybe 15, but they were the originals, I think their viability rates are pretty low.


@Upstate ā€™s points seem to be spot on & they just really seem to need warmth so farā€¦ which Iā€™ve denied them mostly :face_with_monocle:

I started these & a 1:1 strain :sweat_smile: so I can be bipolar :crazy_face:



All Pure tropical sativa seed requires some warm temperatures for good germination. Using proper moon cycles help too. 7-10 days before a full moon is the best time to germ landraces. Fresh hybrid seeds from an indoor run are entirely different and will germinate fine anytime


As far as i know the guy sold them to tlrt. Those are the png/gorka highland tlrt guy has. Post 359-362 basicly tells you this himself


@HappyTrees23s I just talked to diggy, if u wanted the gorokas, we could send em out as late as next week if ur down to post some pics here an there. And for every one else, diggy got banned for being a asshole he said in his own words lol. But hes still around lol.
Cheers and lmk @HappyTrees23s


Thatā€™s odd, neither the @DiggySoze or @Worcestershire_Farms accounts have the normal banned - suspended message :thinking: Sure it wasnā€™t a temp thing that is now lifted?


Oh cool ! Ya for sure

I canā€™t believe he got banned ?! Diggy ??

But yes Iā€™ll send you a PM thank you for asking him for us. I really appreciate it :relieved:

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