Seed Runs Co-Op Logistics/Cost/OT Discussion Megathread

Hi. So I am currently doing a Zacateca’s Tribute (Big Sur Hollyweed x Oaxaca 79Skull) seed run with 2 males and 2 females. I am going to spread these seeds by a small donation to a charity (Probably Bladder Cancer and/or an Environmental Charity), Ill set it up through through some sort of donation website so I never touch the money, so is no worry about where the money goes. I plan to cover the shipping cost.

Does this count as Co-op run? The Freakers seems like something I may want to try to get into next year, but I’m not willing to sacrifice my idea of starting to charity seeds runs in my tent. Like many here, I am too wealthy in flower and want to use this plant and peoples enthusiasm for genetics for a good cause.