Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

The “Fragile” stickers from USPS. I looked on the site and couldn’t find them

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I think the usps has discontinued them…I’d go for the cremated remains label…it’ll be like you’re sending ashes of a loved one to a family member.


I was thinking the same thing lol. No one’s gonna mess with some cremated remains lol.


True, but I’m guessing that suspicions will rise when they notice that you keep sending out remains to various people and/or receive lots of envelopes containing “remains”.

“Uhh, no officer, I just like to collect human remains.”


Lol that made me chuckle @Randar good point :joy::joy:


I love getting beans from anyone willing to mail them and have had a few show up. I just opened a pack of beans that thceeds sent me just to find they were crushed in shipping, talk about a sad day when I was about to start my second grow . This is the best site I’ve ever been a part of and hope to continue to be gifted as well as send gifts when I am fully able to

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I’ll tell the cops that I cremate peoples’ dead pets in a converted pizza oven. Gotta get that money man


If you do that, you should def offer them a slice of pizza during the conversation.


@Greasy and I have a trade going, his end arrived today, thanks buddy :pray: lmk when my end comes through, probably tomorrow :sunglasses:


Very nice! Mel Frank GDP F2!


Free? Amazing! I worked with some folks that took “fragile” as a sign to rough it up a bit. Lol

Damn! :eyes:how’d I miss this???

Hah. Dunno how I missed this @Randar , but totally! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I see you don’t have ICC#98 in your stock…wanna trade?

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I would venture something would trigger when you ordered multiple labels…

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Those beans land yet @Hashton_Kusha ? It’s been a bit.

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Yes sir @Rhino_buddy …they arrived yesterday. I didn’t get a chance to post it


That sticker requires a special handling postage price. So if you are not paying for the extra service you could lose that mail. The stickers are free but using them is not. Apologies if you already knew that…just a heads up

  • Label 875, Special Handling — Fragile, is a domestic extra service offered to our customers for a fee*…uncle sam

I have many a friend that work at USPS an I can tell you 100% that if there is a Fragile, Handle with care etc… writing/ sticker on a piece of mail it is like putting crosshairs on it.
Cross hairs

Anything you send out needs to look like every other piece of mail.
If It stands out somebody will check it out sooner or later.

Oops… I dropped the box right on the corner and look at that it opened right up. (ask me how I know this trick ?)

Dang, That letter got caught in the rollers and was all torn up.

I can guarantee you that if your mail smells it is likely to get opened up by any number of people that handle it. In most cases they will just take the goods and seal it back up and deliver it.

Whatcha gonna do?


Yes. Been buying and trading beans for over 14 years and learned that the envelope needs to BLEND IN w all other mail
Manila (yellow), white or brown paper is best.

*ALSO a greeting card or piece of cardboard inside is essential to block light going through the envelope. Because the USPS may hold your mail up to a light or flashlight from behind, and see what’s inside. Just like an x-ray.