Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

I may as well throw a call out here.
I am looking for something very specific. CBD STRAINS worth growing
I am trying to be in the range of .03thc or less that is my ultimate goal here. So any help or good decent strains you feel may give a decent yield.

Looking for decent peeps to lead me in the right direction

Have not grown any CBD yet. But I need to get this into the mix and get some peeps happy


I have some Valentina F1’s or something like that. I belive they are CBD. If you know that strain to be CBD send me your details and I’ll get them out to you.

I’m questioning if that’s the name now. I’ll take a look when I get home.


Yea. That would be cool.

Let me know. Dedicated CBD run is what I need to hit

I guess for this experiment the more flavors the better.

It’s for a client that was in specific need so I would like to be on point and offer a couple strains.


Cool, I’ll let you know later. It’s really going to bother me now.


I’ve got about 15 - 20 CBD-dominate Strains/Varieties. About 2 - 3 will be in a “MINI GIVEAWAY” next month AND, about 6 - 10 in the “ANNUAL WINTER THINGY” (or whatever it will be called). Hang in there, relief is on the way, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


For true for real. Always come blazin with the big guns.

:muscle: love it. Thank you all for showing the love


I am the opposite. I like 0.3 CBD or less.


Anyone have some 88g13hp seeds from ndn stock kicking around? Also look for some strawberry diesel seeds they don’t have to be original repros are fine. I know dark horse genetics released some f2s years ago wish I snagged them


I have a pack of sc jedis 88g13hp repro and i have a pack of 88g13hp from barefrog. Either one woukd require a good trade offer for me to let go of. Looking for TK hybrids. Especially phone home.


You may wanna check They have LOTS of .03 THC Varieties available. I’ll be including “some” in BOTH a “Mini Giveaway” (25 Person/Member) next month AND the “Annual Winter Thingy” (50 or 60 Person/Member) tentatively scheduled for Mid December (if there’s a OG Fundraising Auction, I’ll postpone until JAN/Feb Timeframe). ALL, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: SPECIAL NOTE: Link corrected. THANKS, @BudWhisperer


That’s the goal. .03>less

I mean I want no CBD synthase. CBD makes my joints hurt and takes my high away.

This is what i’m vaping now.

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Cherry wine f3 from Sonoma Seeds can probably get you what you want… I had 1 sample tested, but my friend who I gave some seeds did also and he got a .3% THC with around 18% CBD… here was my test results…


I believe hazemans 88g13hp comes from ndn stock?


Hazemans 88g13hp is indeed from ndnguys stock


I have s1 of sweet seeds Red CBD auto. They’re great. Happy to share, no trade needed, just pm me.


That link doesn’t work anymore, here’s the new site link. I don’t know anything about CBG but read it may be helpful medically (don’t remember specifics):


Thanks, corrected Link. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yup, and @SCJedi ’s repro was from Hazeman’s stock.


I’m gonna give another endorsement for Hoku, Floyd is super nice and talented with alt-cannabinoids, he is (or at least was) the white label breeder for the Seattle Chronic Seeds CBG and CBD releases. He is all about medicine, and if you emailed him with your patients specific issues and needs he could probably help guide you towards the right cultivars on the first try. He offers a bunch of good options for buying seeds, including farmer packs of the base lines he breeds with and combo packs within a breeding project where you get 30 feminized seeds for $75. He also does a lot of regular seeds because he’s said that while fems have their place and are important for some people to get their meds or make a living, he also values the genetics he’s trying to preserve and spread and encourages people to select and breed them forward for everyone’s benefit. Great dude all around and he even sells his flower so you can try things.

Like RSC and some of the other breeders who work landraces his site is a great place to learn too, his article on chemotypes was super useful to me: