Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

If it gets u high…them are some good seeds.
I need some of those type…


Hugeeeee thank you to @bytheKasiz!


Looking for animal cookies if anybody has a line on some regs or fem photos. Super couch lock when i smoked it.


Glad they made it before :turkey: day. Have a great one with the fam. Thanks for the Exotic fems, excited to run them. :facepunch:

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@seeds2weeds im pretty sure cannaventure has some of those on sale right now.


Wow thanks man I’ve been looking for this since a teen.
Have you ever dealt with them before?


Enough said! :rofl::rofl:

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If he doesn’t trade you. I am in

@seeds2weeds yeah rusty is a great dude, I have a bit of cannaventure gear I need to run. He did a Chem 91 skunk Va s1 I’m super stoked to start. Also have a ghost og s1 from him and a arcata ghost (trainwreck x ghost) but yeah super good dude!


what your in for brother.

pure chem 91 skunk va s1

the cut was sent to me by RUSTY himself so ya its a decent one for-sure.

here she is now in my garden, cuts from the cut.

enjoy brother, ahh make sure to have support ready to go. id suggest you train her and get her tied up before getting to far into flower.

peace …


yup rusty is a good dude, i ask him to send me his pure line and he sent me i think every one that he had at the time. 12 in all most seeds but a few pure cuts as well.

onward …


I think I seen Ali G had clones of his keeper cut of the Animal Cookies ready as of yesterday


@JAWS those pics are great! Is the second cut gonna be a smoke plant?

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ahh not sure, this last run she was only slightly seeded i think three branches so the seed count will be fairly small. i might just breed the whole plant this time for a big batch of CHEM GORG F1-V6. im kind of thinking about hitting all the same cuts again with the gorg because last time it was mainly just slightly on the CUT so ya not sure just yet.

shit we should not be talking about this in this thread. you have any more Question please ask in my thread ok.

thank you …


So I’m not much of a trader, I admit. I’m more of a hoarder lol… so I usually don’t post over here… but I try to be kind and help others so this is why I’m here today…

I met this guy Matthew who’s looking specifically for Dank Sinatra F1 or F2s… usually I don’t get too involved in what other folks are looking for… but this guy says he has cancer, he was mentioning not having much time left… and it seems like Dank Sinatra is a bucket list type item for this guy. He was saying things like… “wanting to find them before his health is consumed” and asking for help finding these seeds while he’s still able to grow them.

I myself am usually pretty good at hunting down specific packs so I’m just trying to put some feelers out there… he doesn’t live in the States so I’d have to send whatever I find for the guy with some stealth… but this is for a good cause so the least I can do is try.

Anyone have any Dank Sinatra?? The generation F1, F2, etc… really shouldn’t really matter here as this is obviously only to help fulfill a guys wishes… and Dank Sinatra is rare… so I’ll take what I can get.

Oh and Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you all are doing well and having a good day.


I would think that with all the Bohdi fans here, someone might be sitting on a pack. I’m sure you probably already searched, but this was all I could find in the states:

------------Link Removed

I know, it’s Pacific. All I could find. Wish I could help you out brother.


@Coda that’s not real… u should definitely take that link down lol. That’s a scam. You’re not gonna find Dank Sinatra seeds at a seedbank… you’re only going to find them in someone’s stash.

That particular link u posted is scammy.

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I wouldn’t say the link is scammy, but the company has less than stellar reviews.


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Many, many posts out there saying that site scammed them. I’d avoid Pacific Seed Bank like I avoid Spider Mites lol.


I’ve read the same thing. That’s why I suffixed it with “I know, it’s Pacific.”

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