Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

That would be awesome… I ll DM u …


Your dead right… I love the older strains that people over look these days … Man ,I think about some of the shit we used to smoke in the 90s and I was truly spoiled…lol


Sounds good!

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I have not yet grown it but a good friend of mine has and he gave it rave reviews.

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Yes, I remember it at Sacramento dispensaries around 2010. Was absolutely amazing. Never could get any info until recently.

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We never knew how good we had it Man.My Older brother was the one who really got me into growing back in the Mid 90s and Some of that stuff Would put you in a Fog like almost like a night of hard drinking it all was all a blur but a really fun time and that Dude was growing A Serious Seeds White Russian back in 2003 i want to say in a Shitty homemade grow cabinet painted flat white 4x4 with 3 ft plant and aquarium Florescent bulbs,He didnt get much yeild i want to say maybe 3 quarters full Gallon ziplock but holy crap that shit could peel the wallpaper of your walls.If i had weed anywhere near that good right now it would be going for min 300$ an OZ and i dont think anyone would bat an eye.You couldnt hardcore chief on that weed like that back then or you would be sorry.I cant even get concentrate to do that and i roll a mean hash ball


Wow thanks for all the great info @Dirt_Wizard. I’ve always seen the resemblance between salmon creek and gdp. It got to be out there!


White Salmon

white salmon-13

white salmon-19

white salmon-8

white salmon-7 white salmon-5

salmon creek bigbud * the white reversed.

peace …


These are available? @JAWS


OMG ,The memorys are so funny of shit . I remember Alaskian Thunder fuck ,Sour D and some others that did exactly what u said. Put my ass down for the count ,lol I d sit there with Blood shot eyes thinking holy shit I m so stoned… lol We had this purple bud from Denmark tht taste so good man and the high was incredible, I truly wish I knew what that strain was… Good if the younger me was smart enough to keep some seeds…


WOW ,Thats a nice plant…


Those look quite nice my man.


Thanks, yeah they’re quite special, just not my kind of special :grin:

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Just got a letter…

Gracias @THCeed & @Ottafish :green_heart:


I honestly think some of that just comes down to tolerance too. Back then, you didn’t have 20(+) years of tolerance built up.

Take a nice little break from smoking weed (at least a week or more, preferably a month or more) and then smoke again. You’ll get lit off your ass, guaranteed! lol

I take tolerance breaks every now and then and it really makes a huge difference.

And I think sometimes our memories fool us too. We tend to remember things being better than they actually were. Nostalgia and all that…

I’m not arguing that the weed back then wasn’t great. There was definitely lots of good weed if you knew where to get it. But I think the stuff today is just as good, if not better in some cases (due to advancements in indoor growing).

I was lucky enough to get to sample a LOT of different varieties from seed back in the late 90’s and early/mid 2000’s. My friend’s oldest brother was a hardcore grower. Brought back all sorts of seeds from Amsterdam. Then he was constantly ordering new seeds off heaven’s stairway, hemp depot, etc. He didn’t really take/keep clones. Every harvest was from seed. So we got to try tons of stuff. Lots of really good weed for sure. But I can still find the same quality today.


I hear you and completely understand where your coming from and i see both sides of it totally cool as Cherry Garcia. Done the whole Tolerance Break thing Years at a crack for Stints in the Armed forces and I still dont get that whole Fog thing.Yeah i get pretty stoned but Not like that stuff i know ive had 30 years of smoking and all that but I haven’t seen Cookies do what Old white Russian did.If i had the two right now It wouldn’t even be a contest i never saw cookies put someone in a complete white out static fog for an hour then the stone set in for another 2 I know a lot of younger smokers that Started on Cookies and all the newer stuff i ask them a lot a lot of questions and Im not getting anything like that what was had.My older brother was smoking import weed in ny back in the late to mid 70s from colombia to thailand to mexican highland He has polaroids of some of it.His discription of it was some good some bad mostly Larfy wispy shit that was seeded to hell that still got you blasted like fill a whole station wagon full of people to go to thr concert and burn a pinner and you were so wasted you never left the parking lot or the car just sat there and laughed your ass off the whole time in a Fog.I mean whens the last time you even seen anyone even burn a pinner anymore ?Johnnys Frankie is as close to it as ive gotten lately but guess what she has in her?Yup White Russian 98 Serious seed stock high lasts a significant amount longer than anything else ive smoked very masterfully done work with that one he outdid himself.I think some of the older stuff had a different Cannibinoid /Terpene ratio Than the newer stuff that needs to be explored more.You figure out the ratio of that and I think we will be back in the same ballpark again.


That’s not a letter its an Arsenal DROP… :boom: :boom: :100: :100:

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Thats why I loved the 90 s Blueberry …You couldn t build a tolerance up no matter how much or often u smoked it add that to the euphoric,blissful everythings awesome high and it was one of the greatest creations I was lucky enough to smoke. Theres some pretty decent strains around now but I miss that one the most.


I couldn’t agree more. We bought a press, tried dabs and gave it away the same week we bought it. It ruined us on flower for about a week. The buzz was strong, but we felt it lacked character. Even when I was young and hash only came around once in a while, I always felt like the buzz was strong, but short lived.

Some people are just flower people, and that’s us.


Try and Build a tolerance to Frankie i double dog dare you lol.It cant be done ive been trying since i harvested last October Same Stone everytime as consistent as a marlboro ciggerette and i have concluded 3 things #1 Frankie can not be touched By Tolerance build up#2 Frankie is Bulletproof to PM and other molds #3 you can never plant or take enough Cuttings or have too many Beans popped of Frankie ever Shes good to the last drop and you will use every scrap of her you will be at work thinking about smoking her and she will go quicker than you will know.Im Down to a couple Zips And i had to start more They are growing nicely and i will take cuttings this time for certain Now the key is to Ration and have self control i am a weak man so Pray to the Cosmic Muffin or im a gonner