Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

Yes I would definitely be interested in that!


cool beans :wink:
here’s pics of the pack I have for reference.


those sound great.


@pigeonman was first to fill one of my holy grails white crack and I only had some mephisto freebies to trade. Ya he gets in there and gets his hands dirty if he can help. Also it helps that he knows everybody lol. Glad you got your treasure growmie.


Iso Red congo

I had a buddy here take care of me recently, and I need to repay the favor… I very much appreciated the gesture as I always do.

So, I’m offering up Cap Junky s1 beans for the following beans in unopened breeders packs. No s1 please…

Mephisto Sour Livers

Night Owl Milk and Qookies

If you have and are willing to trade them (for a reproduction and crosses) please reach out to me. I’ll make it worth you while.

I also can offer up cap junky x chem 91, or chem 91 s1 (in process) if you already hold the CJ. Or anything else I may hold.

Iv reached out to Mephisto, Sawney, and checked the seedbanks.



I’ve been taken care of on that, but thanks! :+1:

Anybody interested in my Longbottom Fighter F3 seeds?
It’s Starfighter x Longbottom Leaf, F2 was a breeder pack from BadDawg/GLG that I got from @oleskool830 before his passing. BadDawg selected the most Longbottom Leaf phenos for the f2 generation, and I got 2 different moms:

Male was shorter than the moms, with excellent structure, all three were pretty much identical visually.

At 30 days germination was about 65%, but will likely improve over the next couple months as they cure out. I will trade 12 for 10 due to the lower germination ratio.

Please no Cookies or auto offers. Photo regs or photo fems.
Limited numbers on the beans I have, so limited trades because I want to give away most of them.

Outside chance, but if anybody has Mandala’s Satori, Beyond the Brain, Kalichakra, White Satin, or Ganesh, I’m very interested, and would open up my vault for additional trading. @RoryBorealis reminded me about Mandala a while back, and I can’t stop thinking about the White Satin I used to grow!


Nice looking plants 🪴:+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Anyone have any of Bodhi’s CBD Rich Blessing

I have the good medicine, but these have proven elusive.


I think I have some mandala f2s a friend made years ago (2018) unless I have already gifted them out. Don’t remember right off hand what ones. If you are interested I’ll germ test a few and send them your way.


I do have harlequin and ACDC pure cbd seeds if you interested I’ll send em your way !


I could send you either or both of these if they’re useful in your projects:

I’m down to hear about them if you find em!

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Any OGers got “Tikal” seeds/experiences?

Would like to see if I have anything for trade…PM if ya got em.


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Well shit now I want it too.

ACE only seems to have Guatemala x Malawi if I’m reading it right.

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Can offer a pack of AK47 by Serious Seeds if any of you in USA/Canada can reship some packs that I need.
I’ll be paying for the packs I want

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@HeadyBearAdventures they are from 2015 made by dawnpatrol (friend from another forum). I have no experience germinating old seeds so if you want them I’ll send ‘em your way. They’re are about 30 in there.


The chocolate trip x blr and the Apollo 13 f5 I bet is some :fire::fire::fire: @buck90


My eye got stuck on Apollo 13 black lime reserve. Just sounds tasty good