Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

Way cool sounds like a wonderful cross stoked to see what you find! @Rhino_buddy


Itā€™s because 2020 actually line breeds! Good folks!


Anyone have a pack of Bodhiā€™s Prayer Tower Sativa theyā€™d trade/sell/donate? I popped my pack but not getting the numbers I was hoping for. Only 3 confirmed so far. Was hoping for more to do a seed run. I would be eternally grateful if anyone has a pack theyā€™d be able to help me out with.


I feel awkward for asking specifically, but does anybody have the Herijuana strain?
Iā€™ve been wanting it for some time now, and would love to run some for/with my current lineup that Iā€™ll be starting in another week.
Thanks OG


If you donā€™t find any to trade, Woodhorse Seeds has their Herijuana strain over at @Great_lakes_Genetics


Donā€™t feel awkward. This thread is exactly for that purpose of finding specific strains


Why no Ethos? Just curious. @BudWhisperer @HolyAngel

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He also knowingly and willingly breeds with hermaphrodite plants. Iā€™ve also seen countless herms from his gear across multiple forums, in my local grow shop, heard and seen from my buddies.



Thank you for your responses @BudWhisperer and @HolyAngel. Sounds like quite the guy.


Any body out there holding onto any seeds with high percentage TAC ,THCA !?
Have a pack of bohdis forest queen Iā€™m willing to trade

Not particularly defending the guy, but every time I hear this story it gets heavier on drama and lighter on details. :stuck_out_tongue: Last time, someone presented a court document as ā€œevidenceā€ of this - it was a copy of a dismissal of the case of some woman who has the same last name and tried to convince the courts that it wasnā€™t animal abuse when she left a dog chained up in her backyard for a month so it almost starved, because it was her husbandā€™s dog and his fault that it was there in the first place and it wasnā€™t her responsibility to take care of it despite being the only responsible adult around. It might be about the same guy, and if it is it might be that heā€™s as evil a bastard as heā€™s made out to be, but this also reads a lot like the story of a pissed-off ex-wife whoā€™s trying to ruin his name any way she can. :man_shrugging:

As far as breeding with hermies and shrugging it off, no comment. Iā€™ve never run his stuff and so I have no idea. Itā€™s a common complaint with his gear though, and one I believe far more easily than I believe the whole animal abuse story.


Surely we can trust the word of a jaded ex-wife.

Ask me how I know :joy:


@buck90 the Mandala f2s arrived! Thank you kindly; Iā€™m really excited about theseā€‹:bear::fire:


I see, thank you for clarifying this crazy story.

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Ahhhhhhā€¦Iā€™ve never seen it first hand but I think this is exactly how a rumor starts.

I havenā€™t researched it to learn how true it is, or any details at all.
But supposedly the owner, (breeder?) guy went to an ex-girlfriendā€™s (ex-wife?) home and threw her dog off a (2nd floor?) balcony (window?).
Then threatened to shoot (kill?) w a gun, the neighbors who went to help the injured dog.
If true, such a person is pure evil. Simple as that.


Like you said, everytime the story is shared it gets more intense haha the true physical evidence is lacking to the say the least. Iā€™ve grown his stuff and found some pretty solid flower in it so my reviews so far are positive. Everytime i bring ethos up though, people go crazy about this story.


Yeah I canā€™t say here or there about the animal story. Itā€™s the countless herms Iā€™ve seen personally and otherwise that steer me away from ever running anything heā€™s touched.


That would turn me away as well. What strains were you finding them in? I have some of his stuff that I might delay if youā€™ve found Herms in that particular strain

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I donā€™t know the strain names offhand sadly or iā€™d list them all :pensive: