Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

on the subject of males expressing female flowering characteristics… I have no first hand knowledge of this but there are a few long standing respected names in the breeding game that see value in such males. From what I gather the offspring will produce a larger percentage of female plants… I think
I had a male that I stress tested all winter last year and when he was at about 6 weeks of 12/12 he started popping calxyes and pistils … no lots and really only visilble in the tips of the tops… I killed him and threw the pollen packs in the fire.

With today’s multi hybrid varieties a breeder can do thier due diligence and still release a line that could potentially hold some hermies or plants easily triggered by stresses… light leaks and other things.
So I don’t think we can judge a breeder who does the work and the odd plant pops a nanner in mid to late flower. Usually the grower never even sees it but finds a bud with a few seeds as they consume thier harvest.

Back in the 90’s when we were growing UBC chemo, it threw some nanners sometimes but they were sterile. Same with the Northern lights NL5 clone where we would often find late pollen sacks tucked under a lower branch flower. Back then we didn’t call this a hermaphroditic trait… it was called Rhodelization… the original trait sought after to produce “feminized” seed.


I have some Ethos Genetics Cherry-gar-see-ya, Purple Majik, and Purple Punch Cookies which I am anxious to grow based on my success with the Ethos auto strains I’ve run. If there is anyone out there who has Ethos strains in their inventory and won’t be growing them because of the possibility of Hermie traits feel free to mail them to me and I’ll see how they run.


I have the cherry gar see ya as well photo which is beautiful, and I also have about 20 different strains from their ethos fan club drops

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I got several strains of Ethos Autos from a friend who is a fan club member. He gets seeds sent to him I think twice a year both photo and auto. He doesn’t grow autos so he gifts them (now) to me. In the past he had sold them to me for $1 per seed.


I have a recently harvested Tony Green reg that I started to work on final trim and see it is dropping seeds, never noticed as it grew. They are nice fat beans, so who knows maybe I will pop a few outside. I recall in the 70’s if we saw a herm we killed it, this has nice trichromes and a mellow high. So I guess I should see if all the buds have seeds or if it was isolated


If you want some of my autos that you may not already have, let me know! I’m not a huge fan of autos but may do some breeding with them on the future to make some “fast flowering” crosses


I’m always open for trading for some autos. If you’d like send me a list of the strains you have and I’ll compare to mine.


Anybody have any blueberry milk from strayfox they ar willing to trade?

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I am not sure but would venture a guess that the hermies associated with the Ethos Genetics name started to appear about the same time as the fictional Dog toss off the balcony and threatening people with a gun if they helped the dog.


I believe it… It’s unfortunate with the internet, how quickly things get spread around with it being nearly impossible to fact check them.

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I mean think about it for just a minute if we all traced back our genetics and cut out every strain that had come from someone who did something heinous the fact is that we’d have a very small pool of genetics to work with

They started to appear when customers grew their seeds. And were faced w an unexpectedly high ratio of hermy plants.

Confirmed by the Ethos owner “breeder” when he proudly showed one of his mutant hermy males. See this post for photo and his Ethos company statement regarding said hermy:


Listen, you @BudWhisperer and @HolyAngel both seem real gung ho to negatively affect the reputation of Ethos Genetics and that’s of no concern to me. I’ve been happy with the Ethos Genetics I’ve grown so far and have no complaints whatsoever.

Don’t get upset with me if I don’t want to join you in besmirching Ethos Genetics.

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I’m sorry that documented facts by Ethos himself has conflicted w your opinion. I’m just warning others is all.
But i am happy for you that you’ve found success w the seeds you grew. That is good to know that Ethos seeds aren’t as bad as i have heard.

EDIT. @LoveDaAutos ,
Since it is just a rumor, i will delete my post above re. the Ethos guy possibly hurting a dog. I don’t want to perpetuate that if not true.


Yeah, that solid evidence has convinced me for sure.

I don’t care either way. Someone asked why I don’t run their gear so I said what I feel and left it at that. Everyone is free to make their own opinions on the matter. Not like bodhi and other breeders haven’t produced herms too, lots do, bEcAuSe iTs FiRe /s I’m sure there are stable plants to be found in said gear, I’m just not gonna be the one doing it.


regarding ethos…i actually went thru the criminal complaints and while the man does seem like an asshole, legally speaking it was the ex-wife that was criminally responsible (supposing it is actually him and not a name coincidence). if you want the non BS, myth-free documents let me know ill search for the link, i posted it here somewhere.

as for his genetics… i havent had intersex traits, although the male hermie getting 50K likes is something openly known lol.

ive grown 3 strains and about 12 plants in total. Apex did have a nice taste and Lilac Diesel was the best among the 3, but i just found them to be dull and bred for bag appeal.


I got about as far as this before my brain went :exploding_head: - seems impossible to even start. There sure are a lot of people arguing over who bred what from what and who deserves our money, now that it’s semi-legal and the statute of limitations has run out… and every single one seems to say all the others are lying, cheating, backstabbing weasels. I suspect they’re all correct.


Let’s just argue over it in the right thread …
Seed trading thread is not the one! multiple request have gone unanswered due to iirrelevance and the continuation of it


Good idea not the place for it! I second that one :point_up::peace_symbol: