Seedbank guarantees

I don’t understand their response to you. Even if they think it’s your fault why react like that.

You sound like a genuine fan of their gear but this batch didn’t work out. If they guarantee the seeds they should absolutely be sending another pack.

I will scratch Serious Seeds off my list immediately. Maybe I’ll have a change of heart if Claude clears it up otherwise no, and I’ll make sure I tell everyone I know to avoid them.

The seed issue is one thing… The blatant disrespect towards a customer is another and inexcusable. A business is nothing without consumers and nothing about their reaction is positive. They do not care :frowning:

Not cool.

I dont have a lot of fem seeds left right now but if you DM me I’ll show you what I have and I’m happy to mail them out to you, no charge, I’ll cover the shipping.

Depending where you are I might be able to send a clone… but I’ve never done that before so it’s a gamble lol


Its unfortunate but alot of companies don’t care.
I’ve had a few that treated me the same way.
Also be very cautious of Strainly, lots of thiefs on there.


The fact that they insulted and ridiculed you should be enough of a reason never to buy from Serious seeds again, even if they do replace your order. Your interaction was not remotely close to “customer service”!


When it comes to customer service I’ve got to give praise to . I had a Somango xxl herm and when I reported it I got a replacement 6 pack in 4days! No questions asked, no photos requested.


This is terrible ! In no way we’re you wrong about anything . In fact very reserved and kind. This kind of crap upsets me, especially the ridiculing (terrible) I will no longer buy anything from them either. This is one reason I stick with @Great_lakes_Genetics i know for a fact DBJ stands behind his products and will go above and beyond to ensure his customers are happy . Sorry this happened to you my friend, truly am


Much respect @anon84307778 very very cool!

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Ill gladly send you replacement seeds or a refund from me… I dont take kindly to breeders and seed banks treating people like shit like they did with you. DM me.


Assuming OP is in the US . If so plenty of honorable folks that will treat you right . Some of my favorites are :

  1. Great Lakes Genetics - Home of the Bad Dawg freebies . Recent 4/20 order I bought 3pks of Doc D seeds & recieved an additional 40 Bad Dawg freebies . Dragboats freebies are known for being fire .
  2. JBC Seeds - Another good place & also very generous with some serious fire freebies .
  3. Doc D’s Seeds - PNW breeder has done work for Bodhi . Some serious sativa hybrids . Can’t go wrong with any of his A5 Haze/Thai , Dragon Energy , Afkansastan/X18 & Lemon Thai crosses . On IG & email him for a current list . GLG also carries his gear . Moving to Mexico later this year , so stock up .
  4. AKBB- Alaskan breeder has all kinds of older classic lines . Has real pre 89 NL 1 & 5 . His TKNL5 Haze & Consumption are also some fire . JBC also carries his gear . Also on IG & email for current list . Dave is also quite generous with freebies .
  5. Multiverse Beans- Just placed first order with them 4/20 . Washington state based & legitimate US distributor of ACE Seeds . Serious exotic Sativas form ACE , rest of inventory is fem & auto based ( not my thing ) . If it’s legit & I get real ACE gear without having to go foreign I’m for it .

@RomulanGenetics above and beyond brother. Above and beyond. I did forget to mention you are the king of customer service as well, my bad Jake


I’d also recommend by shoe, who is a friend


Shitty that happened. Lots of people will appreciate the heads up…

Add Fleur De Mal to the list of solid breeders.
@Baudelaire would love your business.


North Atlantic Seed Co is legit too.


This right here. I am a huge fan of this. I say we need more folks like you. I may be slow with my shipping but that’s why I give away seeds I make. At least if I can. Thank you for jumping on OG and being a serious OG right off the bat. :pray:


Interesting serious seeds responded like that. You should ask to speak to the owner. Htf can a company who people have kept in business since the 90’s behave like that with its customers. Disappointing to see.

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Thankyou everyone for your kind words and advice &recommendations, you guys truly rock!
I honestly had no idea that Dutch seedbanks outsourced their breeding?! I actually got a response from serious yesterday pretty much blowing me off saying as it’s a technical issue? They need to ask the breeder
I honestly felt like saying umm aren’t you guys the breeders?
I will definitely say this, no matter what happens good or bad to fix this I’ll never be ordering their products again and never recommend them.
It’s a real shame to be honest as I was always such a big fan of them and I am a loyal guy so it sucks.
I recently put an order in with great Lake genetics I’m just waiting for my envelope with payment to reach them. I guess it will take a couple of weeks but I hear such good things about them from you guys I look forward to receiving my order
I got my first pack from an American breeder (bohdi) which I’m pretty pumped about. The strain is snuggle funk (another recommendation from you guys) and for a freebie I got a whole new bohdi pack which blew me away! That strain is terminator I think it is called.
I can’t wait to try the snuggle funk, I really believe it’s going to be a fantastic medicine for me.
Anyway guys thanks for all your input it’s really appreciated :+1:
Peace :v:

  • 1 on . Shoe is another longtime straightup guy . Had a death in the family awhile back & I wasn’t aware he was back up & running . Great prices too .
    Fleur de Mal is another standup guy . He has a GREAT deal for beginners his breeder packs 25 seeds / $ 30 . Proven genetics used in his breeding program . C99 mix , OG mix , Durban mix & Bubblegum mix . Takes some aprehension out starting up . Also makes the learning curve cheaper while dialing in your grow & style .

Thanks mate where do I find shoe? I googled it but all that came up was a strain called cement shoes. I’ll also check out the other guys. Thanks mate :+1:

This is what happened !

Hi Claude,

yes I remember this guy. I think he tells the story a bit different than it happened. I can send you our whole conversation. It is correct that I first ridiculed him because he wrote that all of his plants went hermie, which is impossible. So I thought it was someone who tried to get free seeds.

Then he replied and wrote it was just 1 plant who had 1 or a few male flowers. That can be possible, but certainly not all seeds and that was what he claimed.

When I realized it was a true customer and that he was not lying I replied and apologized to him. I also send him sentences from his email so he could see that he wrote that ALL of his plants hermed. So then he agreed that it was his mistake and he understood why I thought that he was someone who lied to get free seeds.

We do always so much for our customers who have a problem with their seeds that I am surprised to see how easy people go along with someone’s story without questioning. We put a lot of energy into customer service, giving replacement seeds even if people made a mistake which killed all of their seeds. To see how easy people place us among the “bad seed co’s” is very disappointing.

I think I offered seeds to him in the end, not sure how it ended exactly. I have to look it up again and send to you.


Hi xxxxx, < mod removed name >

this is Simon and I apologize for the 2nd time to you for the delay in answering. This is by far the busiest time of the year and we also had to go to the Spannabis fair in Barcelona. We are a rather small seed company and prefer to stay like that, so we have not a lot of people working here. So because of the circumstances you had to wait really a long time. Hennie already told you this, so you know. And you understood and wrote us that you understand this, “no rush” etc.

We take our customer service very seriously and we can spend a lot of time and energy to help someone. Like with you.You were just unlucky that you wrote us in the craziest time of the year, and that we had to ask you to send more info because you did not sent everything right away. Like the pics of the seed package.

So, I hope you understand why it took some time before I came back to you. Yes, I am the breeder but have to do a lot of other things also. Like answering emails of people who have a problem that our send office cannot solve. You are one of them.

Now before I deal with the problem you had I have to say that I do not agree with the way you summarize our communication.

You just send us this: “First I was ridiculed and basically told im a liar & i just don’t understand”

Please look back in our previous conversation. Yes, at first I thought you were someone who was trying to get free seeds. But that was because of what you wrote. You put me on the wrong foot at first, and you understood that. So to keep saying that I ridiculed you and told you a liar is simply not true. And we sent several emails to tell you we are busy but we will take care of your problem. So we never tried to brush you off but rather kept you informed.

You yourself gave me wrong information xxxx, and I responded to that, but I never wrote you were a liar. So I dont like it that you put it like that.

Hi xxxxx, < mod removed name >

coming back to my initial reaction on your email. This is what you wrote us:

“…but midway through flowering male flowers appeared alongside female flower. They were hermaphrodites! …, obviously I’ve had to pull them all out”

Because of the words you used it looked to me that all of your plants turned into hermaphrodites. Hence my strong reaction.

Now about your situation.

If 1 plant happens to be hermaphrodite you do not need to pull all other plants out. AK47 is not a plant which turns hermie easily. It is rare if this happens. If you write ‘1 AK47 was a hermie’ then I would have looked into the situation more seriously.

You did not send any fotos. May be you did not make a foto of your hermie plant? But can you send us at least a foto of the back of that seed card with the nr. U-ak4629fem?

So then you sent us the pic of the seed pack. And thats where we’re at right now. Again, Im sorry for the delay but if you would have given us the right information from the start and send a pick of the seed card along, this would have been solved and dealt with in 1 or 2 emails. But its no problem, sometimes things go like this.

So finally this is the situation: you grew our Ak47 and 1 plant hermed on you. This means you are eligible to receive substitute seeds, so I want to offer you a new pack of AK47 seeds to try again. (because you killed all of your plants, not just the 1 hermie) For all the waiting you had to do and because you are a Serious customer for years I’d like to through in a couple of free seeds. Would you like to try our new Seriotica seeds? I can tell you that everybody who grows them loves them right away. Including me.

Can you go along with this solution? If yes, send us the address you want us to send the seeds to. And let us know in due time how these AK47’s will do and how you like the Seriotica seeds.

We wish you a Serious result with your seeds.


Simon from

The Serious team

Op 24 apr. 2022 om 15:19 heeft claude.lajeunesse@ … het volgende geschreven:

Hi Simon,

I come across this thread on Overgrow and was really wondering if this guy is legit because he is saying that you turn him in to ridicule when he asked for replacement.

<remove duplicate content, see thread above: Seedbank guarantees>


Hello Claude, I have removed the duplicate copy and paste of this threads contents from the above response post. Made it difficult to parse and the same information is posted above. The reply content remains.


Why would you dox OP’s name? Didn’t want to call attention to it before it got deleted by a mod

Seems irresponsible at best, and vindictive at worst