🌱 Germination Laboratory @ MadScientist 🌱



Wonderful thread i cant wait to see all thos girl :grin:


The costarican authorities stopped my package with the coco, cos of health issues and permits. I found a company down here that makes these things, if your interested in seeing what they got i’m gonna put up the link. Gonna buy from them, they got some hydroponic sustrate with 50% Coco / 50% Pomice and i would add perlite to the equation.


Hydroponic sustrate: http://www.evergreencr.com/portfolio/sustrato-cultivos-hidroponicos/

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What is Pomice? Something like lava rock? Or more like clay hydroton? Has anybody experience with it?


Volcanic rock of soft texture, very porous , it’s the only kinda rock in the world that floats on water… They call it here Piedra Pomez, i think it translates as Pumice Rock. It’s widely used in Hydroponics setups worlwide, i know that root organics in their formula 707 uses it.


Well, germination starts again in CR, as i have everything now. Not missing one thing… Here we go!

8 bubblegum from MSNL again, wanna do it with the same strain. See what happens.


Los pájaros son mucho mayor problema con las plantulas que los insectos. Puedes obtener y sabes usar la harina/torta o aceite de neem? Ese es tu seguro antiplagas en exterior.
…Lo de las botellas plásticas…Menos mal que Baudelarie y Calyander te avisaron rapidito… Y será que no pega el Sol en Agosto por nuestras tierras… Aquí llevamos desde Junio todos los dias a 40° C o más a la sombra… Dentro de una botella plástica así te pones a 50-55°C al Sol…


Al Sol siempre, pero sin botellas plásticas, tico!


Al Sol siempre, mis prim@s!


Gracias @MiG, no te pierdas hombre que sos con el unico que hablo espanyol aqui… LOL

Really thanks, my spanish speaking friend!

Sound advice in my opinion! :grin:

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Aquí se usa para quitar las asperezas de la piel…piedra pómez.

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Yo las uso para exfoliar la piel de los pies tambien… LOL

Pero es buena para hydro…!

si usas neem oil con cannabis
pero primero usas jiffy green house in my opinion
neem in roots or leaves
pero not on the flowers

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Ya can waterin with “dust neem(no oil neem)” in floratión, not talkin bout spry the flowers…

I’m gonna veg these in my tent (3) Automatic Fem GG4 on 18/6 under my Vero and then outside; in 10 gallon pots. Let’s see germ rate, gonna have them in the same tent as the bubblegum but then when they start to show flowers, they’ll be under the sun.

I just don’t like the way those three little Bubblegum are doing, and i better start over, you tell me, is this normal for three weeks under the sun 12/12?

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Seeds take time sometimes…

I’d also like to see more progress for 3 weeks. That’s your usual soil mix? They are lacking that dark green color…


pot is too big. smaller plants require smaller pots. what is in the mix? it looks to compact. is it in the direct sun all day? why only 12 hours?


@Viva_Mexico he lives on the equator bro!

Normally, seeds grow roots out before settling into consistent veg growth. In such a big pot the roots are probably the main focus of those plants right now. @MadScientist make sure not to overwater those youngsters in the big pots. Make those roots go searching for water!

Stay Hazed,


@HydroPower I have been giving them a little kelp foliar before going to sleep, and started to feed them today with the Go Box from GH. Just one liter of RO water with GH formula on the lows…

@Viva_Mexico Thing is i live in Costa Rica and here we get 12/12 year round. I ws trying to take advantage but let’s see if they revive if not, they will be replaced.

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