Seedling help asap please legends

Hey all this is my first grow where things haven’t gone horrible on day 3.

It’s the 11th night currently and I got back from a few nights away a few hours and they seem to be showing some signs of not being happy.

My grow area is definitely not up to spec if it were to be scrutinised I have little to no ventilation other than a pedestal fan a few feet away blowing into the closet and no heat nor humidity regulation and for lighting I have a viparspectra p600 2023 model and it was at about 40cm 15inchs ish dimmed to 25% and I just changed it to around 70cm 27inchs ish on 50% dimming.

Before going away I fed them what I believed to be some pretty low strength marine calmag at 1/4th strength ish and a liquid hydro AB grow nute at similar strength


Looks to me like your plants are lacking sufficient nitrogen. There is nothing in your media that I can see to feed your plants. Either mix up a new batch of soil with worm castings or an amended soil mixture or add a nitrogen rich fertilizer at half strength of a general feed since they are so young.
Your plants should green up and grow much faster with a proper soil mixture or added nutrients.


I’m having a hard time judging color… but if it were me I’d consider (carefully) up-potting them into something deeper and wider.


Personally, for your 1st grow, I wouldn’t have grown in what looks like cocoa?? as it’s something less forgiving and you have to stay up on it. I’ve always used ProMix, and a few years ago, switched to the cheap ProMix from Menards ($14 a bail) and add perlite.They look N deficient to me. I’ve never given any of my plants for as long as I can remember, and it’s been a LONG time, anything but full strength nutes, if they can’t take it, and die, then they weren’t hardy enough for me anyhow. Having no ventilation is also going against you IMO. I would up pot them as @yardgrazer has suggested, and I would change the medium to something that’s a bit more forgiving, feed them, and let them do their thing. My step kids stress over seedlings, as they are just learning how to grow, and I told them quit stressing, let them do their thing. Now our plants are reaching the 8ft plus mark out in the swamp boxes. As a 1st time grower, feed them, get some ventilation going, and keep them alive, if they don’t survive, plant another round and try again. Remember, Cannabis is a “weed” it’s very resilient and can take a beating and still survive.


I’m just hoping they’re photoperiod seedlings. Autoflowering plants aren’t nearly as forgiving.

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I was just getting ready to add that, you beat me too it, LOL :+1::+1:

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great looking plants

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These plants are 3 days older than yours and have been fed twice at half strength.
Judge for yourself:


Yeah I always go with the following and like @Oldjoints always have happy plants:

Promix BX + Wormcastings = planting mix
H20 + B-52 + Cannarhizo + silica = first 2 weeks “feed”.

I get a cup of roots and green tops.

Best of success @Obsessed2251


@Pigeonman I second that,and,canna Is a pricey line to run with the booster,but It Is quite good quality and I use their fertilizers very diluted yet growing big plants at 0.5ml/liter ratio in early veg.
What I mean Is rhizotonic from canna is One of the best product together with their cannazym

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Plants look fine to me. Lighting probably good, they’re not overly stretchy.

The plants are ready for some food though. I’d continue with whatever ab+calmag nutes and amounts you used last time, maybe bump it up 50-100ppm from where it was last dosage, and see how they respond.


Agreed! But since I only use it at the start of a plant’s life this ratio means a small but costly bottle has lasted me nearly 2 years now and thankfully doesn’t smell funky!

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Also, OP, note all the perlite for aeration, and pot size, in OldJoints photos. Give them roots some space and air to breathe.


Oh good call on the perlite! I don’t think they necessarily need uppoted yet, but the cups looks like pure coco and you most definitely would want some perlite in there for aeration.


You don’t need any perlite in there. Just let them dry out/back well, so the roots spread out. Having no control over temp and humidity and no real exhaust or fresh air coming on will probably end up being a problem, but they look fine to me. Not sure how many watts the light is, but give them enough light and a basic feed in coco and they’ll takeoff if the environment is decent. Best of luck! Do you have a ph and ec pen to test your feed mix?

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These are random bagseeds I should’ve mentioned that earlier

Edit: Sorry for the total ramble I was answering questions as I was reading them :sweat_smile:

Awesomeness I don’t have any spur of the moment holidays planned anytime soon so hopefully I can keep a closer eye on everything :upside_down_face:

General reply I’m too lazy to do another reply :joy:

i know I’m doing the little babies a world of trouble with trying to micromanage things that I’m unsure is the problem to begin with when I’m pretty sure all i need is a decent humidifier and some fans.

The cups had perlite in them I threw a layer of some dry coco on top when I noticed the medium level settling from watering

I’m thinking about up-potting but all I have is 1gal fabric or a single 15L(2 after another is sterilised but my guess is I’ll need them in a little bit for flower/late veg) and I have maybe 15L of a hardware store soil called: scotts osmocote plus organics tomato potting mix, it says it has organic nutrients along the lines of a living soil. I was potting some tomato seedlings I picked up a week ago and apart from not being watered and left outside in the freezing overnight sitting on tiles for 2 nights they are looking a little bit hot nutrient wise and not very hot in any other aspect

I was looking at picking up some worm castings, diatomaceous earth if I can find any locally and if anyone else has any tips for preferably dry amendments that would be helpful :blush:

I have a cheap Amazon ph pen that I definitely should use the calibration stuff on it before using it again, the light is a 95watt draw 12inX12in p600 quantum board from viparspectra

Massive thank you all in advance for getting back to me and I’ll say that in Aus we have almost zero of the options for mediums and amendment kits like a 2.5kg I believe organic gaia green 444 is like 60$ aus like 42$us

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Sounds like you’re looking for the people that grow in coco with organic inputs/dry amendments/and stuff. If you struggle to source stuff, that’s going to be a tough route. Coco, part a and part b nutrients, ph pen, ec pen, ph down, and you’re set for growing in coco. Best of luck with the going organic in coco! Seems super interesting to me.

I’m planning on growing outdoor organic living soil in beds once it is a bit less of a jail sentence especially with my paranoid old neighbours whom my parents tell stories of when he would have screaming matches with my mum the second it hit 6pm and me 13yo and lil sis 9yo would jump on our trampoline on the weekend in summer, the old bastard sits out on his back patio chain smoking cigarettes with his agoraphobic wife who I haven’t seen leave the house since I was 13ish 10 years ago and watches me smoke cones whenever I pop out to sink a few, it’s kinda scary how quick he comes out after me sometimes like I know I’m paranoid already but fuck :joy:

That sucks. I wouldn’t grow outside in your backyard unless it’s legal where you’re at. Your neighbor will smell it for sure. If it’s legal, grow away out there. Quite a few good outdoor growers on here with all of that info in threads and stuff. Hopefully you can grow some trees back there. Best of luck!

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