Plant With Only Three Leaflets. Does it indicate a problem?

A little while ago, I got a rooted clone of Kush Mints and one of Grand Traverse Tart Cherry from PowerPackGenetics.

I put them both in organic soil in larger pots to make them mothers, and the Kush Mints took off growing. The GTTC was slow to start, but it finally came around. When it did, I took cuttings from both. Neither are rooting. After two weeks on the first attempt, I took a few more. Three weeks in now and still no roots.

Anyway, the reason for this thread is to ask if anyone knows whether or not a plant that only puts out leaves with three leaflets is possibly deficient in something or maybe has some other problem going on. All the new growth seems healthy, but 90% or more of the new leaves only have three leaflets.

The plant is a bit sparse because I took these after I cleaned off a bunch of low and crossing branches.
The plant looks healthy to me, but I don’t know.


I’ve noticed the same thing when they are really hungry. Feed higher strength and new growth comes out with more leaflets.

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When topping the plant often… it’s simply progressing the cut branches back to the 5/7/9/11 set leaflet leaves. :sunglasses::v:



Imbalanced nutes.

Someone will probably tell you it’s a virus and sell you a vaccine tho. You’ll probably buy it. Marketing is strong around cannabis.

Yeah, no I won’t.

What specific imbalance? Too much X, not enough Y?

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I’d agree with @GhostOfSubcool, something off nutritionally. You said you put them in organic soil… what kind. Miracle Grow has an “organic” line, doesn’t mean it’s great for cannabis. If you’re going to try to stay with organic soil, what’s your microbe game like? I’d recommend something like Recharge, Great White, or Dynomyco, get the microfauna working for you.

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Coots base with several amendments (crustacean meal, alfalfa, greensand, rock phosphate, azomite, etc.). Same thing I always use. Water with humic/fulvic, Vit B, enzymes. Recently added microbes from Kelp4Less. Also recently used half strength Texas Vegetable Fertilizer.

Something here is a virus


When @GhostOfSubcool says it’s a nutrient imbalance, he means excess calcium locking out the all-important boron. It’s pretty much the cause of every problem, including high gas prices…

I’ve got a few Blueberry plants doing just that myself right now, btw. They’re cuttings and are gradually progressing back to 5/7 per leaf, as @DJSF said; could be a mutation, Blueberry is supposed to be full of them.


How long did the soil age for before you used it in this grow?

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There are several different strains that will do this and it is normalye just genetics it could be any of the before mentioned options bringing the expression. I’ve seen plants grow like this for months before resuming normal 5-7 finger fans. Being root bound or having low light seem to be major contributing factors towards causing it or keeping it from correcting itself. Some strains that are realy prone to this are ghost og , shapeshifter, peanut butter breath and Mac 1.


It’s re-amended and used right away.

This is:

Grand traverse tart cherry (ecsd x keeds cherry kush)


The amendments you add need time to be broken down by microbes and fungi. After I thoroughly mix my soil I let it sit for two months at a minimum. The longer you let it sit, the more it will break down, and the more available the nutrients will be to your plants.

I dont know how much nutrients a plant can get from freshly added amendments. Try making a compost tea and add some to your next watering.

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@general Could it be environmental? I know some plants have a really narrow range in which they thrive…

@GhostOfSubcool if you are indeed the Boron guy, can we talk about something, and it’s not car insurance :upside_down_face:

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I find it very common in strains related to og kush.


That’s good input. Thanks for reminding me. I do think there was probably sufficient available nutrients in the mix from before, but maybe not. The other plant in the same mix looks normal, but maybe this one is more sensitive to it.

Definitely could be. I don’t have these directly under the light because I didn’t want maximum growth. Temps range from 73F down to 68F at night (which could be the problem with my clones rooting).

I’m leaning towards this being a genetic tendency.

Thanks to everyone for the input.

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My goji Og would do this. TK does it. It’s genetic in some cases and generally goes away. Or it doesn’t. Nothing to do with any nutrient imbalance, looks healthy


It looks like a dud. If it is, you will see it later in flower

It’s not a dud. Turns out that it’s just genetics, as others have indicated.

If I get around to it, I’ll post a pic later of a clone from it. Explosive growth.

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