Seedling with strange look

Welcome @joao


Males grow faster and taller than females, they also grow quicker In general. Be patient.

Think how these plants exist in nature, in a grouping of some type. Think about where it’s good to have females vs males. Males outside and females inside the group. If you run the thought experiment youll learn basically any hardship at all will push a seedling to be male, ive thoroughly tested this and last pack all sprouted. All female, all excellent plants, not feminized.

I submit that the grower has much more influence on gender than is thought. If the seedling never suffers you will get a female most likely and they stay shorter appear to grow slower and have tighter node spacing. I’ve got data I collected myself backing this up. More research needed. Bear in mind getting 100% females will leave you with several tough choices to make or just alot of phenotypes to choose from.


Thank you, Nekhu! I appreciate. Trying to be patient!

I Hope, George! Thank you very much!

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I Hope so, George! Lets see what happens. Thank you

My experience so far is, more often than not, the wonky seedlings are where the dank is at :wink: :heart_eyes: I love me a nice weird plant. Also more often than not, it will be a lower yielding plant than a more standard expression of whatever strain it is.

If high yield and overall optimal plant expression is important to you, ditch the little shits. Otherwise if you like having fun, ride em out


What you mean with “Dank”?

@George are you saying those seeds have been swimming for two weeks? I’ve had a few like that, they pop slightly, then it’s a race against time, will it grow a root before it rots. Someone gave me a tip when they’re at that stage to put them in a wet paper towel then put a drop of Canna Rhizatonic on the towel where the seed is. It seems to work, seeds that have 1mm of tail showing for days and days, no growth but I can see it slowly turning brown but not growing, I do that with the towel and root tonic and within 24hrs there’s an inch long white root with hairs everywhere and it’s making a tent out of the paper towel.

@joao dank = good weed. How’s she looking these days? I often find that first pair of leaves are a bit crinkly, it looks like fertilizer burn from too strong feeding even though they’re only on plain water.

At least you have two growing well! In my case, I got only one growing well, and the other three are stuck…

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Sorry for the misunderstanding, the pic of the shotglass told me how old they were, they’re not swimminng more than 48 hours or they will drown, I put them first in Aloe vera …