Seedlings With Slow Growrh

The two upwards are 15 days old… the two downwards are 7. It been raining a lot here with high temperatures and The moisture of the enviroment is high as you can see… I alreardy tested the PH. Do you think some kind of fungos has attacked the roots? Or do you think I have
been awarded with some runts as @george would say?


Sry I have no idea.
What are runts?


Sometimes they just lack a little vigor and can take some time to “take-off”. What strain or strains are you running? Are the seeds fresh or a little older? What is your media? I know I put my current grow in some used soil and it’s taken a couple weeks for them to grow up. I just up-potted them with fresh soil and I expect they’ll take off now.


Those are good questions Arriba, @joao if you have more seeds and space I would plant more, my runt is now more than three weeks old and ridiculous compared to his confreres :smile:, but as long as he’s alive I will keep him/her, one never knows… ejem|nullxnull


I’d like to know what medium you use and what the strain is as well.

I’ve grown strains that do strange stuff as seedlings, but at 15 days from emergence they are usually working on their 4th or 5th node. These seem very behind. Bottom left is the only one I like the looks of.

Is this vermiculite substrate? Did you start the seed here or transplant when you saw radical?

@36Chambers a “runt” is the smallest critter of the litter. They are the smallest, and sometimes sickly. Sometimes they grow out of it and turn out right. Lots of people have an affinity for the runt, but usually on the farm they get culled.


Thank you very much @AppalachianBiscuits


I use peat moss, perlite and vermicompost. Left upwards is a super Lemon haze, right is a BLUE dream. The left and right botom are regular, but I don’t know the strain. I germinated on the Walter and transplanted them


use peat moss, perlite 80% and vermicompost 20%. Left upwards is a super Lemon haze, right is a BLUE dream. The left and right botom are regular, but I don’t know the strain. Well I think they are fresh. Sometimes I think there is something wrong with The soil, but It IS one of the most recommended soil…


I know Potseed uses a worm composter to germ, but that’s the weak link for me. I really like a “sterile” seed starting medium or you get damping off or some other fungal/ bacterial issue.

I use peat starting cubes like “Root riot” for weed or jiffy seed starting medium for my veg. Jiffy is my favorite brand and the bag is $5 at Wally world.

Are you able to start new seeds in new medium?


To much vermiculite can cause the medium to stay wet. It is great stuff and all.
I also use a zero fertilized medium for starting new beans.
I then add some fertilizers after 6 sets of pointed leaves pop out.
Good luck!!


I put my five last seeds to germinate this morning; This time I’ll try an inert type of soil. That must be the problem…

I sincerely don’t think soil must be the problem, perhaps seeds are old with lack of vigor or just genetics … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Peat moss is very acidic, what pH are you giving them?


I put some seeds to germinate. This time I’ll try a media only with peat moss and perlite, which are inert. If it doesn’t work I 'll buy some rockwool cubes, which is easier to find here in Brazil> thanks for the help!

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I used different strains from diferent stores, In total it has been 6 plants thats just don’t grow. I lost the other two. I measured the soil pH and it is 6.5

Hi Joao, i would say simply a lack of watering frequency according your high temp and small pots.

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Could be a light to, I dunno.
They are runts no doubt.

This is backwards… you buffer against damping off by inoculating with diverse, beneficial microbiology. Sterile environments provide opportunistic pathogens with the ideal window for infection.


I’m not sure backwards is the word I’d use.

Ideally yes, you would have a perfect and balanced environment but in reality it’s 3 seeds in a paper towel on top of my light.

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True, I wouldn’t add any sort of compost/microbes if germing with paper towels, especially if they’re in a plastic ziplock to stay moist.

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Give them time, they will get going soon enough.