What caused stems to

What did I do to cause the steams to do this. From the Cotyledon leaves down, it look kinda like a snake.

s like it is splitting/sheading a very thin outer “skin”

This is the “original skin” don’t worry, perfectly natural.

Looks like this clone might do it a little too.

Not sure yet. Might just keep turning green and move along??


Thank You! I thought I did something wrong while they were little. (I am sure I did many things wrong :grin: )

Your plant looks fine. Might be nearing root bound from the looks. How long in the dixie cup?

All four did it and the same day.

How old are the plants?

I started in the rock wool and than put in Dixie cup a couple weeks ago. I am trying to figure if to big.

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2 weeks huh. This is the advantage of the clear cups, but I would bet a cup of coffee they are approaching root bound.

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All of my seedlings do that so far.

Have you had this happen for a clone yet. I have made 1000, and can’t even remember.


Yea, I learned that lesson.

TY that makes me feel better. I thought I was losing my babies.

You’ve come to the right place, thank you @Morgwar.


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Sorry I can’t remember either but it wouldn’t surprise me :slight_smile:

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You know I’ll be watching now!

99 :eye:


For added reassurance…



I don’t find a single reference for this item with the search button??? Interesting?


Awwwwwwwwwwwssssssssoooommmmee! You guys are the best.


Last bit of reassurance. This is shedding on three separate strains out of my cab now. Also for others who come across this thread wondering the same!

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Thank You all for making this a good learning thread.


If you are going to grow trees expect a little bark. Ha! Ha! :grin:


You are exhibiting new grower anxiety.
It is good that you are observant and attentive.
But, this is perfectly normal.
It is the process by which the stem gets thicker and stronger.
Eventually it will become increasingly woody and less pliable as the plant gets older and grows towards maturity.

This is indicative of a healthy, growing young plant!
Good job!