Seeds from US to Europe and Europe to US

Hey there everybody!
First of all… If this kind of thread is already existing in one form or another, please change it or delete it. I’m still not 100% sure how everything works here.

As the most of you probably know, it’s sometimes not so easy to find the strain you’re looking for
in the standart seedbanks.
I always tough that this is an EU problem and on the other side of the big pond, everybody is swimming in seeds. Now i’ve read that it’s not so easy to source stuff from Breeders like ACE or Cannabiogen in US or they are way more expensive.
So if they don’t want to send it, can we not do it here?
f.E I like to get some Seeds from GreatLakeGenetics for 60$ and somebody else need stuff of a EU Seedbank, for the same amount. I can buy his and he buys mine and the shipping cost will be nearly the same for both, i guess.
With this i dont have to send cash dollars around half the globe or fulfill stupid minimum orders of 250$ etc.

Damn i’m not good in explaining in english :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
…but i hope you understand what my idea was


Saludos colega! Sure you can arrange that with someone. The stars would have to align just right for you to find someone who wants something of the same price, and both sides would have to trust eachother. The cost would not be insignificant.

Then, shipping might be a shot in the dark. Who would assume the risk if something does not arrive on the receiving side? When buying direct with seedbanks, many will resend if something does not arrive.

Adding expectations and potential losses to the relationship might bring disappointment. Both sides must be willing to accept the risk of total loss.

My personal preference is to make seeds in my garden and share them with no expectations. Plenty of people share something back at me.


Buenas tardes @Tracker
True story… I was not thinking about the possibility of a non-arrival.
I see this needs futher thinking!

Making own seeds is always the best! I’ll finish a seedrun in about 2 month withWatermelon Zoda of Concious Genetics.

Thanks for your reply!


This is actually pretty cool. I think it comes down to trusting who you are doing the trade with. Often times I wish I could take advantage of the regular holiday sales from Sensi Seeds by ordering direct but they don’t really ship direct outside a handful of countries in Europe. As a collector, I would like to add some from their catalog to the collection but ordering direct and taking advantage of a good sale/deal would be important to me. That to say, I believe I can empathize with the feeling of seeds sometimes feeling a bit out of reach across the pond. It goes both ways. Wishing you well in this!

Also, I think it’s possible to build friendships and such throughout genuine interactions here where something like that would be possible. A lot of beautiful genuine kind helpful humans in this community and on this forum. Much love


Hola @Sbeanonnamellow !
That was exactly my idea , but as @Tracker mentioned right… How long will these friendship last if there is a non arrival of some stuff without a chance for reship?!
For the sales i can feel you… The gras is always greener on the other side of the fence.
I would risk it on small orders like less then 100 bucks incl. shipping.
Let’s see how this developes…



I think if some seeds come between two individuals in such a way, there never really was a friendship to begin with. Partnerships can work too, though for success will take two parties each with solid integrity. A sort of helping each other, even though there might not be a developed friendship. Another suggestion may be to inquire with a local seed bank/distributor that you trust to see if they’ll order for you and manage the shipping.

I prefer to order as direct to the breeder whenever possible, or through their authorized retailers. Sometimes I thought things were not possible to order but with some research and a few emails or so it’s been possible to contact directly to many breeders and/or their authorized retailers. Have you tried to reach out to or get in touch with the breeders of the seeds you’re interested in more directly?

I haven’t ordered with great lakes genetics so can’t speak towards any experience with them. I think they’re a site sponsor here though so maybe worth writing them a message to see if there are any available options that could help put you in touch with the seeds you’re interested in. Much love


Yeah you’re probably right.
The local Seedbanks ask you to order for min. 250 euro, shipping not included.
Of course i tired to reach some of the breeders on IG but they’re probably busy or already too big too handle small customers like me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Great lakes except WesternUnion which makes it easier, but it was more an example.

Thanks a lot for your help!!


You’re welcome, I know the feeling of wanting seeds that are available but still hard to acquire. If you don’t mind sharing, which breeder(s) at GLG are you interested in? Which varieties? Much love


btw, GLG delivers to europe with no fail (at least germany was no issue)
i had various packages making it since years, nothing ever got lost yet :wink:


Of course not!! It was more a general thing.
i have 2 beans of Cherry Pie redux and if i want to buy more here in EU they’re sold for 150-200 Euro.
US you get them for 70$ plus some fingerlickin freebies.
Same with Cannarado, terphogz ,oni, bloom seed co etc. these are sometimes up to 350 dollars difference in the price.
GLG the Chimera chatched my eye :innocent:


Great! Thanks for that info!


I would rather trade with you guys across the pond, I see great genetics :dna: from the European breeders, but dam after they nickel and dime you to death :skull: in fees and credit card :credit_card: up charges no thanks. I am open to all you guys and gals from Europe to trade with! Hell Yeah! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Same here! It’s really annoying.
Beside the fees the differences on the price tag are just ridiculous :exploding_head:
Anything specific you’re looking for?


As @santero said GLG sends to eu without any issues same does CSI and many more, @Kakalak is also one of many sending stuff together with @ShitSeeds

Then there’s those here on OG who always will help out if needed !

So just ask those wonderful US and CA people and you’ll shall receive :sunglasses::pray:!


Hey @Swe-can !
You’re doing the EU distribution for the seed runs, right?

Thank you very much for your reply!!
I already found the “free seeds” thread… It’s incredible to see how kind the people are on this board. I’m honestly not used to that!


Yes that’s right :pray:

When it comes to OG the longer you stay the more you’ll love it here !!

People’s love and kindness is so overwhelming believe me

Btw about our friend @santero do check his site out and see that you don’t need to buy hype seeds from us to get some high grade meds :sunglasses::smirk:


Wait… Is santero SAN?


yep, that’s me, lol.

hit me up, if you want …
i got some gifts for you too, bro :wink:


I was growing your stuff in christiania! You had the Chocolate Rain form Eskobar, right? Amazing how small the world is :smile:


Thanks for the shout-out @Swe-can :hugs: :poop:
We have shipped all over the world with minimal issues. US is always more difficult to send to than the rest of the planet, in my opinion.