Seeds Not Ready

What’s the downside of option one? I feel like most people kinda chop plants early anyway, unless this one is an early finisher to start with.


Maybe consider picking it like ripe fruit and remove a little at a time. Should reduce shock and keep her engine running for those seeds on the lower buds. I’ve done this on some outdoor harvests, mostly for lower buds to fatten and not so much for seeds though.


Ive chopped all branches that weren’t pollinated many of times and it works out just fine, even seems to speed there maturing up a little esp if on lower branches that have not been getting as much light. Just keep in mind to water less she won’t be able to drink as much.


SWIM would advise you to cut the uppers, and let the lowers chill while the seeds mature.
I’m aware that didn’t add anything to this thread that hasn’t already been said, but I really wanted to make a post that said “SWIM”


Swim showed me that tek. :laughing:


Tim’s car.


I wonder if revegging it would help the seeds finish

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I don’t think it works that way. I always thought that it would. But in a few topics here I’ll see more people said no. I thought pollinated was always pollinated. I could be wrong about talking about this. @TestOfOath i think we had some questions about that.


Since we’re on the subject. If I have a female that has made seeds. If I take her and re-veg her for a while will she still be a female but has not been pollinated. Will the new buds grow without seeds is the question I’m asking?


I think that if you pollinate a female that is flowering and then reveg it before the seeds are done that the seeds will finish maturing while the plant revegs. The negative side of it being that trimming can be more of a pain with the extra reveg growth or so ive been told.


I think it might but I’m going to shut down for the summer so keeping a reveg is not on the list atm.


It would be more useful if your flowering plant is at risk of dying or something from being late in flower with unfinished seeds. The reveg is just supposed to give it a new kick of life while the seeds finish.


They finish fine @Neb and thanks @Hemp! When I was sexing my pure Michigan F2 seed run the males finished way early and pollinated anything that was available, which was a bunch of tiny pre flowers. Well when I was cleaning up the dead flowers and pollen sacks I happily found a handful of plants already had 50-100 seeds for me, princess peach x PM, ancestral skunk x PM, and Sebring a Maui wowie x PM (though the Maui did die on me, only plant that couldn’t take all the stress so far).