The best ones ahace a heavy accent and tell you they are from the social security administration. Really?
Or the Internal Revenue Service!
If they are in the US there is a good chance they are incarcerated.
I use BoA and every time I’ve talked to anyone they were stateside. If the bank or cc company is known for refusing federally illegal or refusing funds from social hot topics like guns then you are going to have problems if in an illegal state. Every time I’ve disputed a charge I’ve always been asked about at least 3 charges before and after if there are any to verify those charges. Always get the money in minutes but rather not ask for issues. I’ve got so many accts with boa they refund the money before the inquiry. I bought a dog for $2000 found out it had a hernia and breeder refused refund, bank took my money back and refunded me and told me it was up to me what I did with the mut lol
Weird. I have never had them ask me about other purchases. It may depend on which card. Visa has always been easy to work with.
Mines visa through boa. They just ask if you made a transaction with xyz company for a specific amount and a date. They really don’t go into detail but why bring attention to things
been a while since my last prob [ knockin on my wood, atm]
but Chase always gave me US REPs and I even learned that they have a call center in Springfield Mo - my state - so good service was had every time.
Currently sitting at 3 weeks out on a first class mail with no arrival.
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