Taden Khan of Afghan Landrace Seeds

Hey y’all,

I don’t really like being in the spotlight, so I’m not very happy that I’m making this thread but I’m hoping it can save those who do a google search of “Taden Kahn” or “Afghan Landrace Seeds” can save their hard earned cash.

5 months ago, a homie sent me this video:

They gave their whatsapp number ( +923002052910 ) in the comments and also have an instagram account linked to their youtube. This is their instagram:

I was very interested in the rotting, death smell that he speaks about so I messaged him on WhatsApp asking how much a pack of seeds of it would be.

So I designated $200 from my next paycheck, which is a lot of money for me, and decided to buy the seeds.

After a week, I asked for an update, and he tells me the seeds have been shipped to a different part of Pakistan already where they will depart.

and then he just starts bullshitting me after that.

Update 8/19/24
I have received the seeds, plus extra.


Good for you to call out the scum!!! Unfortunately at your own cost…

I saw this video pop up on my YouTube feed and I had a weird feeling about it. In your messages, when you ask for a deal (being a home grower) and asked for 25 seeds @ $175…then they reply with $180 and $20 for shipping made me roll my eyes.

Not only a fraud, but they want an extra $5. The website drawing on the carpet had me :rofl: :rofl:

I hope this gets out and people flag the video on YouTube. I would contact YouTube with your experience and they may possibly be taken off from screwing others.

It breaks my heart seeing someone without the means passionate about such a beautiful plant and then something like this happens. Blessings to your future cannabis endeavors! :pray:


They all know how popular/desired the Afghan Landraces are. There’s numerous Hustlers out there. Reputable Landrace Resellers are available. You can tell from the Youtube Video, he knows nothing, the Elder Guy does all the talking. Reeks of S-C-A-M!!! Indeed, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I just found/flagged this video on YouTube for scam/fraud… thanks again for humbly sharing your experience with the community!


Dude’s in the wrong business, he could make a killing being a website designer.

Thanks for your kind words. And for flagging the video, I did so too. I posted this link in the explanation section, but I doubt a YouTube rep is going to hop on OverGrow lol.

It’s funny because there are other Facebook pages/Instagram pages pretending to be this Taden Kahn guy. At this point, the real guy is just a myth.


reported for fraud left a comment as well people will see that first until it gets deleted. i think this place is as far as you have to travel to find what you are looking for. i dont care what it is someone here will have it


Damn dude. This sucks and I’m sorry that it happened to you. Thank you for putting the word out to the community, hopefully no one else here will send another dollar to him. I vaguely remember seeing this video thumbnail in the last couple of days and I scrolled past it without watching - but I did consider playing it for a moment. And I’m probably another guy who would have seen this, done a quick search, then left with an impression that it was all legit.

I noticed that the name “Afghan Landrace Seeds” is close enough to an actual real vendor’s name, Indian Landrace Exchange. Stuff like that makes it more believable to me because my brains says that this is like something else that I already know about and it kinda short circuits part of my critical thinking.


When I see Pakistan and Wester Union together I always say scam and move on.



Good to know.

Is western union commonly used for scamming?


I think it’s more or less something not used much out of the region.


It’s tricky because I allegedly was active in the early days of the Silk Road, so sending money to a sketchy location through Western union isn’t new to me.Western Union can be used for scamming since it’s a money order. Can’t get your money back and it’s fairly untraceable.

I knew the risk was there, but as they say, risked it for the biscuit.

The modern age of scamming. It looked legit, he has a large following and is followed by AK Bean Brains and others. Shame, but oh well. Lesson learned. Thanks for your support.

Thanks dude, I’ve said it before to the few friends I’ve recommended OG to; you have a reputation at stake here. People can check your posts and make sure your track record adds up with what you’re saying. Members can vouch on someone elses validity as well. Can’t really do that with Instagram and facebook.


What! I vouch for myself all the time. It’s foolproof.

In all seriousness though, I’m sorry your money got taken like that.


Orale, you don’t even need to do that. I see this:

And I instantly know that I must respect you. :wink:



Glad ya still got a decent attitude about it brotha. I mean it sucks, and you knew the risk you were taking. But, an inexcusable lack of humanity in general. And, so not cool.
Thanks for the heads up!:+1:t3:

Wait? Who’s “they”? Why haven’t I heard this before? I feel like I’ve been missing out, lol.
Yup totally rippin that!


Wow, you must eat healthy and work out! :wink::joy:


Way better than doing it all for the nookie.


@Mr.Christmas I have a pack of seeds for you if you let me know what you like. From my own work or another breeder. I have some seeds that are labeled Afghani and a pack of Afghani Heirloom from Twenty20 there I can also include if you’re interested. Just shoot me a PM if so :v:


Ya know…them!

Thanks for the sympathy hermano.

I’m glad someone finally recognized! My secret is Oscar Mayer discounted deli meats and diet coffee.

Thank you for your generous offer, but I’d just be hogging the seeds at this point. Although this situation was shitty, it was a cold splash to the face as I really can’t be spending hundreds for seeds anymore, especially with a large amount of packs already sitting in my fridge. I’d love to trade you for some seeds once I reproduce some of my packs though.

Thank y’all for the support, really.


Just so you know @KropDuster has seeds from that guy in Afghanistan he reproduced them for sale on his website.


It’s really too bad this has happened to you.

So I have had good dealings with Taden Khan in the past and I know why you’re having problems.
Taden is in Afghanistan. He can’t ship out from there. He used a person in Pakistan to do his shipping. So yes after an order is place the seeds go to Pakistan to the shipper. I have received two orders from that shipper in Pakistan.

Now here’s the problem. That shipper has now stopped shipping for Taden Khan. So Taden will take your money but has no one to ship out the seeds at the moment. Hence why your getting delays.
That shipper that I received packages from lives in Pakistan and now has his own web site and sells seeds he acquires directly from village farmers and returns a good portion of it to the farmers. He is legit I can vouch for him. (He does use Western Union as well) and can be trusted.
His web site is pakistanlandraceseeds.com. I have gotten Black Pishin from him and other cultivars.

So as for now Taden has no way to ship seeds… so yes I would be very cautious with him.

This is a black strain I got from him.