Sending clones in mail

I’m use to living things getting sent overnight, including aquarium plants. this past spring when I was getting blueberry and blackberry plants, they shipped it ups ground. Took a week to get it, I was concerned at first but they arrived fine, and I got some berries off them this season :grin:


This. I feel like a lot of people are over thinking it quite a bit. LED lights are unnecessary. Also, unless the cuts hit a hard freeze and sit in those temperatures for a while, the cold is fine. Put some cuttings in your refrigerator for a few days and then try to root them. The cuts should still root fine. Positive vibes…



I know just being cold isn’t a problem, but yes there’s a likely chance it may freeze on the way here or sitting on the porch for any amount of time in 20 or below. I’m not always there to grab it as it is dropped off, so I can’t expect some else to always be on top of it as well.


Yeah those led lights are a neat idea but I’ve heard of glowing boxes getting peoples stuff snagged. If you do that better look at the box in the dark and see if you didn’t make a jack o lantern


There’s a million ways to skin a cat, but moist paper towel wrapped around the cut ends, in a gallon ziploc, in a box. The biggest thing is shipping times and outside temperature, really. Cool but not cold Spring and Fall are best times. 2-3 day Priority is your best bet, overnight is overkill IMO.

No need to overcomplicate it.


I order and send plants all the time that are waayy more sensitive and less hardy than cannabis. Over a week in the dark mail, no problems. Got to love stoner ingenuity though, ya’ll are thinking of putting lights in there for them :joy:. The heat packs this time of year would be a good idea though, along with priority shipping.


Yea, end of December I had a a couple cuttings that didn’t like being sent to Maine


No doubt, sitting in a warehouse without climate control would be brutal up there. Summer can be just as bad, especially if left in the sun.


just saying ,I just talked with my post office and was told 2 - 3 day priority isnt guaranteed .

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I got these K2 cuttings from across the pond UK…

Pink dots are the stems…got about 4 cuttings…


How many days did they travel @PhilCuisine


10 days…cuttings will go into stasis…you can make some cuttings put them in a baggie and keep it in your fridge for up to 3.5-4 wks. and will still root bromigos…


I’ll have to try that one day :blush: !!

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25 years west coast to east coast and vice versa. Cuttings, moisture, paper towel, baggie. Success rate 98%…sometimes they just didn’t show up but this is when they were completely illegal everywhere. Cuttings are pretty forgiving in stasis.


Yea, I remember back on the original OG, someone did a test, sending unrooted cuttings and rooted clones. The clones with their roots were more sensitive to the cold and more prone to wilting.


Can confirm, rooted cutting in my crisper drawer 4 weeks old.


These were sent to me in the heat of the summer…they don’t do to well on the hot summer days, better to ship in colder days.


Cool weather is the best, but freezing is still no good.


Hmmm, the small priority mail flat rate boxes don’t have much room for heat pack and insulation if sending rooted clones. The medium size is great if I’m sending multiple sandwiches containers at a time though.
With proper insulation, would a heat pack even been needed, just need to keep them from freezing.

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Oh, I just successfully sent out a set of cuttings, they got delayed in transit, but after 6 days they were fine. I wrapped the bag in several layers of insulating packing foam I get when some vendors send fish to the pet store I work at