Sending fresh cut clones unrooted in a dry plastic bag?

At 15:00 they talk about sending clones in a dry plastic bag with a minimal amount of air like it’s no problem at all. Has anyone here done this before?


I watch a lot of videos from this channel

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I wrap a moist paper towel around the stem, but yeah, it’s done that way.

Cooler temperatures are your friend.


Thats kinda how we do in the planted freshwater aquarium trade. cut, wrap the cut stem portion in moist paper towel and stick in a ziplock and send it. May need heat/cold packs depending on the weather but otherwise should show up and root just fine if it arrives within a week.


Yup. Drier is better than wetter. Anytime I’ve ever received a “melted” plant, cannabis or aquatic, it’s because it was too wet in transit.

When in doubt, send like 5 snips, at least one is probably gonna make it.

I had a cut in a box for 11 days and I managed to root it (only took a month of white-glove treatment lol).


Yep, I’ve sent and recieved cuts this way. I’ve even stored cuts in the fridge for a month the same way.


So sayeth the @ReikoX, so it shall be. Forever and ever. Amen.

I used to work with a guy who looked like Eddie Griffin, but had a very high pitched country accent and every day at break time he would jump up from his desk and loudly ask, “WHO WANTS TO BUY ME A SODA?!?” So of course when I found out this news about cuttings I was as ecstatic as Mike Tyson and I thought to myself, “WHO WANTS TO SEND ME SOME CUTS?!?” But alas, the temperatures here will turn a fresh dog turd snow white in 24hrs, so I must wait until climate equilibriums have been achieved. Please have a pleasant day.

Hot or Cold packs and a foam insulated box do wonders for shipping cuts.

edit: need fast shipping too though. those packs usually only good for 1-3 days or so.

Back in the early/mid 2000s there were a bunch of us, including Katsu, on CW and OG who traded clones this way. Actually that’s how I met Katsu. I had Genius, he bought Bubba and we shared them with anyone who wanted them. And like vernal, I’ve kept cuttings in the fridge for over a month in ziplock bags and they rooted just fine.


Thank you for your contributions to this culture that I love so much. :metal:t3: Party on!

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Indeed! Katsu’s article on ICMag is where I learned about this.