Sensi seeds packaging details

Its fake.
You should do a seed run lol


Will do. :+1:

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This would be fucking amazing.

When I get the pack I’ll have them run the number.

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Omg :joy::joy::joy::man_facepalming:



I bought these from a brick and mortar seed bank around 2019. Was new, just in stock at the time.


I actually saw this exact image lol. This was the only other one I could find that looked like the front of their 2006 packaging. So it’s one of the two lol.

Another post on uk420 from 2006 had the same front but a different back side.

Since you opened this I can compare to your inside contents if possible? And I’ll see what the back on this one looks like.

You should ask that guy to send you a pic of the back so you can check the serial number and confirm if it’s sealed. BTW, that guy had some quarrel here people saying he was no legit, one never knows … ejem|nullxnull

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Yeah I will. That’s the plan :sunglasses::+1:.

Which guy? The guy I’m dealing with isn’t on here lol.

A lot lol. Way too much to explain.

My most recent post on sour bubble redemption run goes into a bit more depth.

He was, check this out …

Yes that’s a different guy lol.

They guy I’m trying to make the Sb trade with is actually dealing with that guy.

That’s excellent for me because that’s my main competition for the pack lol. I appreciate that info :joy::pray:.

Strange deal indeed :stuck_out_tongue:, good luck then … beer3|nullxnull

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I can usually smell bs pretty well :wink:.


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Thank you :pray: . When I get mine I’ll pm you :heart:!

This is the back of a legitimate 2006 pack. It was posted in 2006 so I assume it’s legit :joy:… Can’t see the front of course :unamused:… But there’s the rest.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if onceee a year they updated the date on their packaging :man_facepalming:……


Unpopular opinion

Anything from Sensi after Neville is suspect in and of itself. Do your research. Not even worth a seed run IMO. :man_shrugging:t2:


Yes it is. Listen to the Breeders Syndicate episodes that talk about this, wealth of knowledge

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4 Months later :rofl:… not sure when I bought these, sometime between 1994 and 1999


Black Domina was an amazing cultivar, grew a few out couple years back all were short/med , bushy structure with big solid buds . Very unique profile would def run again

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