Anyone have m39 Shiva Skunk?

Looking to see if anyone out there has this old time strain. would love to be able to get some for my stash one day.

I know this was often terrible grown commercial gangster weed, but it holds a special place in my heart. in highschool, we got many dif versions of this stuff and it was always a mainstay until being mostly lost in the kush crazes.


The original m39 is from the late 80’s so finding seeds would likely be very difficult. There might be clones still floating around (maybe Montreal) out there though and I know there’s hybrids if you wanted to search for a m39 dom plant.

There’s a few sites selling some m39 fems although I’m not sure if they’re reputable at all since like 3 or 4 of the sites with different names look pretty much exactly the same site so I’d buy at your own risk (montrealcannabis seeds, toronto cannabis seeds, quebec cannabis seeds)

Pretty sure meduser from woodhorse seeds had one back in the day but wouldn’t be surprised it it wasn’t avail anymore for ages.


Is that M39 supposed to be the same as the M39 in the old Super Sativa Seed Club catalog?



Thats the one


Also very intrigued for the m39. I have had horrible to passable samples of it over the years, and wonder what the possibilities are for it when run with care as opposed to rushed to finish on a commercial scale.


It was a Skunk #1 cross with something called Basic #5. According to seedfinder Basic #5 was probably a Northern Lights #5.

I think “probably” is one of Seedfinder’s favorite words :sweat_smile: :crossed_fingers:



Yea I agree, it was the classic grown by criminals who didnt grow it for anything other than cash. It makes you thinkif it was always picked early and not grown right, but still did get you high, what could a really well grown, properly cut and cured sample be?

it is classic skunk #1 x basic 5, so there has to be some gold hidden in there. I agree with gpaw that this sounds like a skunk/ nl 5 cross, but this is when the name game was really kicking off…

I understand selves are the only real way to get access to this strain, its being out of production for a long time. To be honest, I don’t even really know if that is the true background of the strain or where and when it started up. So who knows if we can’t establish actual provenience?
I just want to grow my collection of strains with a place in history. I am a historian/archaeologist, so these pieces of history mean a lot to me, even if they may not be the best or most elite.

the sites i have seen with a quick search has shown that people claim to have it, so hopefully someone legit can be found eventually. still on the hunt myself. thanks for all the thoughts


I thought Ak bean brains had that one, but I may be mistaken.


“Basic #5” was indeed just another name for NL#5.
and an orignal Skunk #1-selection from SSSC was
used in 1987 to make seeds with her = “m39” :wink:
= classic NL/Sk with fast flowering of 8-9 weeks &
aromas ranging from fruity lemon to fuely / pinesol.


i reproduced the m39 for woodhorse a while back.
shared out a lot, the rest were up at Seedheaven
in the Derg Corra Collective-section.

i wonder if those are still in peoples fridges … (?)
just waiting to be explored. they are the real deal.


i know a guy but he might threaten you if he gets your address LOL :no_smoking:
inside joke sorry

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Here are the info on the M strains, there are allot


I happen to have 3 or 4 M-39 fem seeds that I got from a seedbank back when I first started growing. It may not be crossed to Shiva Skunk but it’s a start :man_shrugging:


wanted to give this a bump and see if people had seen anything with some m39 genes in htere. i think because it was so associated with cash cropping and not stellar potency, taste, etc. people arent really searching it out for their breeding projects


Nope got a pk of m33…Friesland…ibl


very cool, where from? I have seen a lot about the friesland strain. Really a special outdoor strain.

I have a friesland x (manitoba poison x juani) cross i am excited to try out next year. i dont know what the juani is, i believe a short flowering mexican. but i dont really remember, got the seeds lik 10 years ago now

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Strawberry fields famliy.

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I have a couple of crosses with it made by San. Stardawg x m39 (shiva dawg) and shiskaberry x m39 (shiva berry). I grew out some tahoe og x m39 a few years back (shiva og) I’ll try to find a few pics of that one.

As far as I remember, Meduser from Woodhorse seeds gave San a pack of original SSSC m39 from the late 80’s to reproduce and he also made some crosses with it. I think the repro was avail on seedheaven at some point but I wasn’t able to get it before it was gone unfortunately. The tahoe x m39 I grew was pretty good although I was and still am not the greatest grower lol. It’s true the strain has a bad wrap because of cash croppers but IMO it’s actually a pretty good indica strain. Most of my phenos I had smell wise were m39 dom and they reminded me of a shiskaberry, nuken or a god bud smell wise. The cross is 2 of the most all time popular strains (skunk 1 and nl 5) so it can’t be that horrible :stuck_out_tongue: . Wonder if those other strains have some of the same genes? Nuken was eventually cash cropped to death too haha

I couldn’t find any pics posted on here of the Tahoe x m39 so i just took some screenshots of my Instagram. Not the best quality but will have to do :crazy_face:


I’d smoke that! :slightly_smiling_face:

The 39 day maturation thing ruined the m39’s name and it became known as “canadian beaster” lol. In fact m39 when grown properly is quite good, and select cuts being very good :+1:


Also, I work with a guy who’s friend with the dude behind the mtl seedbank and qc seedbank… I’m trying to meet him for a chat…

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