Sensibowl Grows Things

I don’t recall exactly but to the best of my recollection they flower and ripen continuously. That’s why “hand picked” is desirable because they only pick the ripe ones. Machine harvested shakes the whole tree and pulls everything, immature and all.

But yeah, it was something else. It’s so different from what we call coffee that it’s barely even the same thing. More like a light coloured sugary fruity tea than a black bitter coffee.


Ah gotcha, that makes sense. Kind of puts a new perspective on the work that goes in to a bag of coffee I bet.

That sounds amazing, I love a good light roast but I bet it’s on a whole other level there. Crazy the flavours that can be pulled out of those beans


Exploited indigenous labour I’m afraid.

We brought some beans back and they kept their character for about a month but after that all the magic subsided and it became plain old regular coffee. But the cherries right off the branch are super sweet and fruity and that translates into the character of the beans.

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Figured as much. From the bit I’ve read it sounds like a pretty murky industry

Yea I’ve bought fancy bags before that weren’t drank quick enough, they fade pretty quick. Unfortunately it doesn’t cure like weed :laughing:

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Yeah, you should have seen the scowl on my face when they went on and on about how they are people of the land and love to work outside all day for peanuts.

Starbucks is the opposite. The roast their beans to death to destroy the individual characteristics. That way they can buy from the cheapest sources available and maintain consistency across the whole world.

Not a Starbucks hater, just not the same thing at all.

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It’s like the whole corporate “we’re a family” thing :joy:

Yea I’ve heard that, makes sense from a branding and consistency standpoint for sure

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It’s one thing to know that the shirt you are wearing is made by slave labour but it’s another thing to visit the sweatshop in Bangladesh.

Don’t get me wrong, I like a nice dark roast too.

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Ignorance is definitely bliss sometimes. For sure, dark roasts can be great

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14 bells and all is well, 2 week flower mark.

Death Bubba was just starting to show signs of light stress, so I backed them off a tiny bit

Riding that line

Will continue to observe and adjust accordingly


So, we are at 12 inches from canopy 100% brightness, 12-14 inches also seemed to be the sweet spot during veg at 50%

There also isn’t a distinct burn circle in the center of my canopy which was almost unavoidable with the old kingbrite board


Canna Cheese starting to finish, it bulked up more than I expected after the nute issues. Another week or two left and she gets the chop


Good looking bud. Bud. :sunglasses: :metal:


Cheers, should clean up real nice after a dry and a good trim :+1:


Looks tasty my friend.:cheese:


She smells tasty too, finally putting out a bit of cheese funk under the fruit tones :cheese::strawberry::lemon:


They’re free!


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out the draw to Starbucks. Burnt coffee (and I drink dark roast regularly) for more than you pay at the other fast coffee shops, and they line up for it. I just don’t get it.


Conspicuous consumption. Not like the rabble drinking a Tims.

I much prefer the stuff at home anyway.


All potted up, Took some potting soil, mixed in some handfuls of pumice and lava rock. Then finally mixed in some worm castings and 444 dry amendments. Now I need to figure out what to do with the extra 4 plants😆


Are you going to keep one of them under grow lights or what do you intend to do with them in general?