Sept 2023, Landrace / Heirloom Challenge

Checking on the Bhadra last nite, almost confirmed that she is Only a huge facility for generating Seeds; to be used by You and Me.

The autoflowers now lead the dance at the start of their 9th week, with life extensions anticipated from the BBP applications (6x). Targeting / Anticipating a week 12 harvest for the autos.

Bhadra may be down much sooner. Dinner knocked down to 3L.
Autos were moved up to a Gallon on a 72 hr feeding pattern; 6.4 pH

side-panel is turned on in this shot below, showing roughly the available coverage

RTB #1 Cola is amazing (right-side, both above & below) with Zamaldelica in back. RTB#1 has leveled off at 86cm

RTB #2 Cola below

Auto Zamaldelica below; 78 cm tall with a few Fans fading already !!

Trichome checks tonight on the Autos


Thanks for that @lefthandseeds

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Just sitting down to edit the shots from last nite, here are a couple generic shots of a Cola, with the phone. Pics by noonish today.

From the doorway, Russian Tzar Bomba (middle & left, zamaldelica right, minding the door

Auto Zamaldelica is looking dangerous in mid-week #9 (below). We are now Into the BBP-zone of extended Harvests, with bulging, firm and gooey buds happening on both strains

Russian Tzar Bomba #1 and her main cola below

Wet from a water Misting


OK, Bhadra photos, then some Bud porn…
9 images taken last night of the structures on the plant, week 23. Question was do I really need to keep this Seed Momma going? Are there any THC etc opportunities? Is it time?
Kept the shots as Real as possible… Here you go Gang


Who said AUTOFLOWERS are no Fun?
Here are a couple of Zamaldelica shots, and then Russian Tzar Bombers #1 & #2.
Zamaldelica with and without :zap: below

RTB #1, then 2

From the door


Hola bro

Just checking out your fotos and grows…some excellent plants there…particularly your Bhadra and the Zamanelica (autos…exellent.

Happy growing



Just finishing a zamaldelica express (night owl) and its fantastic. Strong pineapple smell and early samples show a potent, long lasting effect. Will totally grow again. Luckily I had two males with the one female.


Thanks for the update. I’m so looking forward to this Zam.
2 years ago it grew, 12” tall and confused. I felt embarrassed…

This ones a winner !
(ps, with the destiny of the Bhadra on edge right now, I am cranking UP the Lite schedule Just for the Autos; 10 => 14 hrs tonight for a few days, then 100% back to 18/6 for the last 3 weeks or whatever it takes…)

I’m taking down Bhadra tonight, it’ll hang for a bit, then we’ll chase her seeds. See what can be salvaged… with 3 charging autos and 6 months of sharing stories and beans, its been a journey.

But more importantly, These Tough autoflowers have me thinking like @defharo.
Once the plants get used to a Normal day of light again ie: currently running on a 10/14 lite schedule.
*Illuminate without Mercy” is on my Mind for these Autos

Cheers @Cbizzle


honoured to have you Sniffing around @Panamajock lol
Always a pleasure


Then there were 3


Seeds and more seeds, lets grab a few fresh Bhadra’s, some near boiling water, Hot tap-water and luke-warm water in a glass to float them in.

3 variables in each glass, with lots of questions


Are they usually hard to crack?


There were no issues getting any of these original 15 seeds to Pop, from the 5 strains.

The Other 3, seed-bearing plants seeds, have popped already. That, I really needed to know

There has been a lot of dialogue @Pigeonman @Tlander and others, that are using Hot water to Huge success in Germination rates. today I did not realize the temp was THAT hot… Kettle had not reached boil… 62C. Looks like the bar is raised already

Confirming Bhadra’s viability today, I thought it a good time to turn things Up for a public finding with these fresh Beans

Super-Hot in open cup / Hottest tap-Water in full-jar then insulated / lukewarm water in open cup


I’ve read about this but haven’t tried it myself. Not arguing against just making sure i’m clear. :smiley:


my error there @Pigeonman sorry, your not my kind of Click-Bait


No worries D! I appreciate the mention so I can catch up and add to my learnins’ :smiley:


I use water, as hot as I can get it from my tap, I never boil it, but I do put it in a mason jar, seal it and I use a little six pack cooler to keep it in for 24 hours. Then, if they don’t have any tails, they get put into a paper towel. I have never germinated a bean any other way.


OK, there we go. I’ve got the tap running. 3 Temps 3 glasses
Hottest Tap-water jar is full, insulated and put away


For sure. It’s common in the tropics.

And now we find out it might not even be a congo lol.

Good chance @Kidete will find us some congo red soon. Spawned from Angola Red, I’d imagine, so that’s one you’ll want to track down too.


Good luck with the other ones, :rofl: