Sept 2023, Landrace / Heirloom Challenge

Fingers and Toes crossed for @Kidete on his Journey.
Fully behind that crews Mindset and the effort they are undertaking.

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Very cool Missin’! For clarity, I don’t “boil” my water…just hot enough that I can manage to keep my finger in it without pain! Good thing I still have 10 digits! :crazy_face:

And congrats on the bean-making! (Sorry, busy morning over here today!)



Thanks for that @Tlander

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60C is pretty hot. Super curious how this goes!


That is. Is that from a kettle?

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Well, are they a couple inches tall yet?

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Me too and Good Morning @FieldEffect
If I didn’t take it all the way there would be holes.

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Yes it was. Real Hot but not boiling Yet.
From a kettle


I have never tried it from a kettle, only a tap.

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I would guess that out in nature the inital water the seeds would get ; would not be that hot.

I go for consistent warm to pop them :wink:


Me too really @royal.

A lot of this stemmed from the Cobb process, where a Seed was found in a finished Cobb, that had been through the process. I soaked that seed, and it germinated.

I had no idea a seed exposed to 40C would germinate. People started piping-up about temps… Warm & Hot became peoples quiet secret…


Not yet… I actually hand-cracked one in each container this morning. Just to cover another option in each vessel

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When the Squirrel Tail had the seeds bumped from her branches, I grabbed the fox tails and put them into curing mode.

And keeping my hands off. Waiting for a few Grove bags, but the “bud material”, is holding tight at 61% RH, (in a big zip)

I’ve also just mistreated the Bhadra in the same fashion. Seeds were easily collected via 3 minutes of banging-on the garbage bag. plant is hung-up to continue drying
Bhadra droppings below

I’m looking after a few promises right now fellow og’rs. In April I will be giving some Flips away from the Seeds collected in this 2023 grow.

Happy to share whats available


Talking about this grow, hopefully carries-on for a bit!

But I just wanted to share that with Us and OG Now firmly in 2024, I’m taking the Autos with me into a “2024” Thread !

Thanks for everything Gang.
Onward !


There is Activity in the Kettle-water, Bhadra Seed-popping glass.
Man I was surprised to see this activity last nite and waited till this morning to photograph it

Here is a shot of seeds from the glass that had 62c water added for germination. There are 2 seeds popping


WOW, that’s the hottest that I’ve ever heard of.


:fist_right: :fist_left: lol legit. 68 hrs later, Still.

As it stood People, 2 of 4 popped tails in the 62c kettle-sourced glass; top left

3/4 in the Hottest Tap-Water; top right

2/4 in Hottest Tap-Water in full Mason Jar and wrapped for heat retention (not shown)

4/4 in the LukeWarm stuff; btm


Worm Casting Tea for the Kids starts tomorrow. Bags get topped-up today.

Next week they see 1/2 gal pots and some basic nutes


Ahh yeah!

How are you hanging in there? Been thinking about you I botched some of the Fighting Bilbo seeds launched some new ones this AM


Happy to see you… let’s play!

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