Seriously thinking about moving to Oklahoma

Thx man ! I appreciate the insight . I have my farm for sale to fund this … When the ink is dry I’m Ok bound … Outdoor there from what I’ve heard is hard to move . That’s where my heart is … People don’t care , they care about thc % and bag appeal …


Why not grow CBD’s? In Canada, they move for just as much money and get a tax break, where the THC stuff, gets taxed more. I am sure there is a CBD market you can make a run in?



Oklahoma has some of the loosest regulations. (Some of the easiest for diversion, which may make the market prices hold more than say, Oregon).

The CBD market has crashed for biomass and to a lesser extent for flower. High-end CBD flower will hold for people who can pull that off, same as boutique marijuana. The lower taxes and access to crop insurance are legit and make it less risky.

Oregon has also been set up for mom and pop success. But ruthless markets with no caps on licenses + a lot of regulation overhead are tough. As people drop out of the scene (and they paused granting new licenses), prices are rebounding. This is from a month ago:

Bottom line. Do you want to live in Oklahoma? There are plenty of places to make a go at this now. Everywhere for hemp…


So just to play devil’s advocate, let’s say 9 :roll_eyes: & then another 18 mo @ 25/# x realistic yield > or = cost + acceptable-to-you profit. :balance_scale: :slot_machine:

Or somethin like that. :wink:



Yours is a little more realistic !! I’m up for the challenge . Rule 1 , never gamble what you can’t afford to lose . :green_heart::seedling:


Made it to Oklahoma!! We’re up and running, got a commercial license


Congrats OGer! :clap: :truck:

My past 5 months in Hawaii has been a :roller_coaster: rollercoaster & it may be spitting me out & sending me back to California. :unamused:

Real Estate insanity everywhere + inflation = !@#$%^&*() :rage:

Wishing you good fortune & good cannabis @Marcus420 ! :four_leaf_clover: Keep us posted on how the Oak-Smoke comes out. :grin:
